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Morganna Roberts: Blog


sessions with my shrink

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Just submitted part 3 of this story. There will be a part 4 in conclusion. Noticed that one of the readers gave it a "1" which really meant they were trolling and marking down as part of some strange agenda on the internet. I am of course biased but I believe that while this story is erotica, it has an intricate vocabulary and nuances of character development that make it one of my better stories for this pen-name and probably most of my other pen-names as well. The writing style in this story is contemporary but it has hints of intelligent thinking on the part of the main character but it is the flaws of character that make the story not the action.

Long awaited updating of this pen-name's stories

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This is one of the original Harry Lime' female pen-name persona's as he tries to write from the perspective of a female. I hope I don't upset my female readers with my lack of understanding of the female point of view on such things as anal sex, etc. but I try to keep the sexual content restrained whilst presenting a scenario of interest to readers. I have about 11 stories to update at this juncture and regret ending my story "Not My Sister's Keeper" at the 10 chapter mark as originally intended. I am considering going back to this story and turning it into a novella length story of about 24 chapters. I have about 29 stories to update in various pen-names before turning to the original Harry Lime account to update 70 stories before writing anything new. I have already broken that promise by starting a story called "The Legion" as a follow up to the successful "Don't Sleep on the Subway Trilogy" recently completed. Still doing research on the Czechoslovakian Legion's Saga at the end of World War I. It is a little known piece of history hidden away in Military Science with interesting sidelines to the assassination of the Czar and his entire family and the war between the "Reds" and the "Whites" of the Russian Civil war after World War I.

Unusual consequence of writing 2 stories at the same time.

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Under my pen name of Morganna Roberts, I just recently submitted two new chapters of different stories. The first one was a long neglected one called "My Job Interview at the Foreign Office" and the other was called "Domestic Partners for Professional Women". Neither of the stories had any relationship to the other and were about two very different female characters with different agendas. As a male writing under some 16 different pen-names, half female and half male, I usually sort my thoughts out jumping into the persona of the pen-name first and then from there to the characters in a way that I find comfortable depending on if I am writing in the first person or the third person in the writing style assumed. Morganna is an open-minded female with her love of writing in both contemporary and historical styles. Both of these stories are basically contemporary in format and the women leads do have some similiar characteristics. As I generally do, I slip back and forth in the stories until the chapter is complete and that generally works well unless I am tired and make a major mistake like in switching persons or using the wrong character name like if they were Alice and Ann or Billy and Bobby. Sometimes when I am working across a matrix of storyline thoughts I might be writing several stories at the exact same time. It is easier to sort out in my mind when the stories are by different pen name authors and my writing persona is clearly separate from the other story. In this case, the two stories were somewhat similar in that the main female characters were dominant and they used similar Bi-sexual natures to tell their stories. I caught myself confusing the scenarios and confusing the supporting characters as their roles developed. I had to go back and re-write several times and it was very time consuming. It taught me a lesson to be careful about writing about similar characters under the same pen name personna because it is too difficult to keep sorted in the process. This is probably because I seldom "plot" or "plan" my stories because it tends to slow the flow of words and makes them too boring for words.

Part 2 of Linda Learns the Facts of Life submitted on 10/1/2018

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Please refer previous blog of Morganna Roberts for additional information on the content of this account. This story of a lovelorn pole dancer looking for love in all the wrong places was unfortunately ignored for an almost 2 year battle with cancer. It is standard erotica from the POV of Morganna as one of the persona writers inside Harry Lime's prolific mind. A lot of codes were added for part 2 that might dissuade some readers from the story. The story was intended to conclude with part 2, but was unable to finish it inside a 2-3K wordframe. Part 3 will probably be the concluding part because young Linda working as "Destiny" has a little bit more to learn.

Some new stories

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Recently added 3 new stories under the Morganna Roberts pen name that is a spin off alter ego of Harry Lime. (See previous blogs) Since the mystery "1" bomber was active on this pen name, I changed the voting on the story called "Kitty With Claws" to prohibited. It only takes a couple of "1"s to skew the vote into outlier territory. I will pay special attention to updating all incomplete stories ASAP. This pen-name was inactive for a period of ill health and I am only recently returning it to an active status. Some of the story lines under this pen name are a bit unusual and it is difficult sometime to find the correct genre for them. Kitty With Claws should probably been Science Fiction because the overall story is more in that category. I used "Fiction" because it is more generic and might cancel out any push back from real Science Fiction enthusiasts that would consider my ventures into that genre as presumptuous.



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