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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Mendon Fishers: Blog


A Fairy Tale

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Sorry, but I couldn't resist it.


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I posted my last story in November 2011. No I wasn't ill or hospitalized. I was becoming a grandfather for the first time.

My granddaughter is six months old now. She's in perfect health and growing like a weed.

The other day I said to myself that it's about time I sat back down and concentrated on writing. So right now I have four stories in various stages of completion.

One went out to my editor tonight. (I hope he hasn't forgotten me.) Tow more tales are in various stages of completion. One of which is a full novel.

The fourth one is still running around in my head waiting to be born.

Now if I can just concentrate on my writings and not the granddaughter. I'll get a lot done.



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