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Lxndr: Blog


Z Status

Posted at Updated:

EDIT: As of this morning, it's done! Yay!

The way the Z stories are supposed to be formatted are:







<et hoc genus omne>

Unfortunately, as of this moment, the scripts SOL uses can't make this formatting work - it's set up to put the chapter heading at the top, and manages to skip the "pretext." (There's got to be a better name for that)

I'm working with the SOL staff trying to get this fixed. I've resubmitted each entire story, and have managed to correspond with someone from SOL named 'Vixen' who's been great, so far.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'm a problem child - the stories are still in the queue, waiting to be handled. My rather unique formatting with the Z stories seems to be a rather difficult nut to crack.

Here's hoping the new versions will be uploaded soon, so that you, gentle reader, can read the stories as they were intended.

Once they reach a new version, I'll let you all know.

Z Timeline

Posted at Updated:

Some people have been having confusion about the sequence of events in the backstory of the Z stories. So, here's the timeline I've been working from. If you find any contradictions, please let me know.

1977: Eric Chase born in Los Angeles (June 25)
1981: Eric and family move to Phoenix
1983: Mother (Helena) dies, sister (Jordan) born (Sep 5, Labor Day)
1983-1995: Eric attends Montezuma
1995: Eric goes to Iowa State University (end 1998), meets Stevie (Stephanie)
1996: Eric meets CJ (Carmen) and begins dating her
1998: Eric and CJ are hit by a drunk driver. The demands of physical therapy force Eric to drop out of school. Eric meets Heather, his physical therapist. Eventually, CJ kicks him out, he starts dating Heather afterward.
2000: Eric gets a massive windfall from his lawsuit against the drunk driver. He and Heather are drifting apart, so he ends the relationship. With the help of his Great Uncle, Antonio, he purchases a very nice house in Phoenix, and moves down there.
2005: Frustrated with a lack of upward mobility, Eric decides to go back to school, starting in the summer. He meets Erin in an art class, and starts dating her.
2006: Eric breaks up with Erin.
2007: Present Day for the story

other notables:

"around world war one": founding of the ZGS
1976: likely birth year (b/y) of Eddie and Valerie
1978: Sheldon Ravenscroft born; likely b/y of Marissa
1982: Brandy Ravenscroft born
1986: Becky Carey born; probable b/y for Ingrid
1987: likely b/y(s) for Diana and Richelle
1988: likely b/y for Alicia (probably Dec baby)
1989: Evies (twins) b/y
2001: birthdate of CCC: June 25
2003: likely b/ye of Buck, the child of Rebecca



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