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Linda Jean: Blog


It is Finished!

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Well I finished my longest story ever, "The Dirty Doctors" twenty-one chapters with ten to eleven pages per Chapter. This story was a love hate story for me. I loved the fact that I had idea after idea and then I hated it because I kept getting idea after idea. I tried to put an end to the story around Chapter sixteen, but I couldn't. If I had stopped there it would have eaten at me for not going further. My poor editor told me that he is not into the male on male stuff, and these last few chapters really get into that. So I appreciate him so much for editing these last four Chapters. I have heard from so many men who have experienced male on male sex. I have been told by a few that a man can climax without anything or anyone touching their dick while they are being screwed in ass. And I do not find that hard to believe because my very first climax happened when my brother and I experimented for a week with him fucking me in my butt. On the third night I had a strong climax and it came from him fucking me in my butt. It was over a week before we realized that we were doing the wrong hole. So I figure if I as a woman can climax and climax hard by being butt fucked. Then why can't a man? After all they (men) have the prostrate and I can only imagine that the friction of a hard cock sliding over a prostrate would cause extreme pleasure.
Now I did have another man tell me that I should not write about things I don't know about. You know what, I AGREE WITH HIM! It is way to difficult for me to write about things I "think" can and do happen. Now when I wrote about being in a Video Arcade backed up against one glory hole and sucking cock coming through the opposite glory hole, I knew exactly what I was talking about. When I fly into Atlanta there is a wonderful little place that I love to visit and I described it exactly as I remembered it. Very narrow long booths. I went in there around eleven am and went into a video booth and came out around two-thirty to three pm with a sore lower back, my thighs hurting, my jaw hurting and my pussy and asshole full of sperm. Getting into my car feeling drained and extremely satisfied anxious to return the next day and do it all over again.
Now I have watched through many glory holes while two men were in one booth doing each other. I have even sucked off a man while another man was behind him fucking him at the same time. So that part I do know what I was talking about.
Oh well, no more gay stuff in any of my new stories.
I love hearing from the men AND women who write me now and tell me where I turned them on in my nasty stories. Knowing that helps me write more things like that to turn more people on. Well all the boys went home to their wives, I am sitting on a towel because I am so full of sperm. I simply love the feeling of it ozzing out of me. I better get some sleep, Abe will be here around 6:30 on his way to work and I always have hot coffee and hot pussy for him when he stops here on the way to the plant.

Hmmm I can't help but Wonder...

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I was sitting here (leaking) getting ready to write some more of my "Dirty Doctors" and I just had a thought. I wonder how I am faring in writing my nasty story? I wonder what is turning people on, I mean where in my story, I also was wondering if there are any turn offs? I did make it very clear that this story has male on male sex in it. My problem is I don't know if what I am writing about is true or not.
I read in a story a while back that a man can climax being fucked in his asshole and with nothing touching his cock, (Hand, mouth or anything.)
I mean is that really true? I know that I have wonderful climax's when I am screwed in my butt hole. But I am a woman and I wonder if a man can climax like that as well?
I think I am correct in writing that there are men who can get off sucking a man's cock as much as I do, but am I correct? Do men deep throat a cock like I can? Is it really a turn on for a man to be fucking a man (or woman) while he himself is being fucked in his asshole? Do men enjoy using dildo's in their assholes when they masturbate? That brings up another question, can a man using just a dildo fuck himself and climax with out touching his cock? I sure as hell can, (but then I am not a man.)
I am planning on asking those who write me from now on, what parts of my story turned them on the most so once I can get a good feel of men's turn-on's. Then I can write my stories with those thoughts in mind. I am not worried about turning women on, the normal woman do not get that turned on with visuals, (reading, pictures, dirty movies.). But there are a few of us "not Normal women out here.)
You see I wonder if I am being too descriptive Or maybe not enough in describing the situation.
This is going to be interesting to see what kind of responses I will be getting. Linda

Very keyed up at the moment!

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My last 'friend" left a few minutes ago, I am so keyed up right now. If you have not noticed, women after sex are full of energy, unlike men who can climax and fall right to sleep.
I am not going to be so bold to say that all men and women are this way, but all the women I know and the men I know are.
Sex to me is like getting a high dose of caffeine. I am awake, and my mind will not shut off. This is the time I do my best writing. I just counted my stories ready for editing and my stories that I am in the process of completing.
The only story I just feel I can not finish is my story "Lay-offs' Oh I would like to finish it, but just how to I have no idea. When I began writing it I thought I had an ending in mind, but as I drew it on and on, what ever I was thinking left me and for the life of me I just do not see any ending for it.
I am seeing that beginning now with my new story "Dirty Doctors" I am at 19 chapters, yep, Nine-teen! I had to correct Chapter 8 because I left out an important little item, and now Chapter 12 is with my editor, we are trying to make sure the story (while way out there) make some sort of sense. Because of my problem with "Lay-offs" I decided to never post a story that I had not finished any more. I screwed up with the Dirty Doctors because I hit a block with the Man on Man sex. My only experience with man on man sex is coming from the two porno tapes I saw years and years ago. As a girl I wondered how two men do it. I think like you guys enjoy watching two women. To be honest I would rather watch two women over two men. From what I have seen in life you men go at sex as Wham-Bam-thank you Mama" With us women it is tender and slow, working to bring examine pleasure in a long drawn out process. But you guys or I should say from what I remember seeing, two gay men are not into that kind of sex. They are hard and into it.
Now trying to somehow write about things that I don't know about, has just blocked me. My story line was going great, I started Chapter 18 (the man on man sex Chapter devoted to just that stuff. ) I got stuck, so I set it aside and went on to write chapter 19 (when Linda and her husband go into an Adult video Arcade.) I knocked that chapter out in about an hour (After much sex earlier of course)
But I don't care how excited and keyed up I can get, finishing Chapter 18 is just killing me. My Editor can't help me because, well just because. I wish I knew some gay men to ask my questions about man on man sex. Oh well, My Chapter 18 may be only six or seven pages long. I always shoot for a minimum of ten pages per Chapter, once in a while I go over, but very few times less than ten pages.
Well maybe a nice warm bath will relax me. Good night my sex fiend friends!

So many more stories yet to post!

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I was looking at all of my stories that I have written over the last few years. I have such a long, long list. Some four pages long, others that have 10 chapters with ten pages each.
My poor editor is helping me with my 'New Book" I have never written a book with more than 12 Chapters but this one, this on I have written 19 chapters and I still have much more to write.
I will find out soon if he wants to help me get all these done so I can post them.


Posted at

I have been having fun with my latest story, (more fun than I thought I would) if you have read my writings, I seldom write a "book" of more than 10 Chapters I try to keep my Chapter at or around 10 pages.
You can tell where I get carried away if you have been reading "The Dirty Doctors" I have struggled in some chapters to get ten pages and there are I think two so far where I have only eight pages.
One person commented to me by email that there was a lot of unprotected sex "for this to be real" So I put a note on my last submission that my story is fiction, and it is happening in the mid to late seventies before the big AIDS thing came out. Back then every one worried about the "clap", "Syphilis" and "Chlamydia" all of which have medicine to get rid of them (well at least you did not die from them unless you ignored "Syphilis"). Because of Chlamydia I am not able to have children, Because of my lifestyle I am positive that was in the plan. I do not feel I would make a good mother or role model for any child. Then again, maybe if I had been able to have children my life as a whore may not have happened….Nah, who am I trying to kid? I love sex with others (many others) way to much not to be who I am!



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