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LastCallAgain: Blog


Here we go again!

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Sorry folks. Another major re-write of Part 2 is in the works.

I PROMISE this will be the last re-write!

Once part 2 is done, Part 3 should follow much more quickly.

Still shooting for Memorial Day to start posting, but Early July would be more realistic.

Back in the states

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Italy was awesome. Molto Bene, as they say over there... Perfetto, even. On the shore of the Mediterranean I re-proposed to my beautiful bride for another 25 years. I took her to the village where her grandparents were childhood sweethearts. And she put up with me while I gushed with endless nerdgasm through the ruins of Pompeii.

And yes, while my princess worked on her schoolwork for an hour or two every evening, I got some work of my own done on A&TA.

It was our first real vacation in almost two years, and I have returned with new energy and a fresh bucket full of fucks to give.

Still shooting for Memorial Day as the target to start posting... Stay tuned!


Posted at Updated:

I finally got around to uploading a lot of corrections to A&TA Part 1 (and fixing that pesky chapter 9 title!)

Still making progress, slow but steady, on A&TA Part 2 despite Real Life's intrusions.

Next week I'm taking UnaPrincipessa to Italy to celebrate our 25th anniversary, drink wine at the foot of Vesuvio, party at Carnevale di Viareggio and find her 'roots.' In between all that- and with nearly three days' worth of total travel time- I hope to continue writing.

Bei tempi!


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It seems that I have fallen into the same trap I see too many other SOL authors in:

I like my characters too much.

Its not that I cant put Adam into an adverse situation. My outlines clearly dictate that he be there.

The problem, as it turns out... is getting him there.

I continue to plug away. I've made more progress in the last month than in the last half of '15. If I can get past this last hurdle, I may be able to start posting by late spring.

Also of note, I have updated my profile; I no longer accept anonymous messages. Its not that I'm getting anonymous hate mail, but quite the opposite-- I get too many complimentary messages that ask questions, and if they're sent anonymously I can't reply!

Stay tuned...

New developments

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Great news, dear readers!

As I mentioned previously, I was having troubles reconciling some plot issues between parts 2 and 3 of A&TA, and was ready to scrap large chunks of my outlines. In addition, my father passed away recently-- along with being one of my biggest fans, he was a huge inspiration for much of my life. His death hit me fairly hard and for the past couple months I haven't been trying very hard to write.

Well, on my way to work today I discovered a song by Judas Priest that I had never heard before, a bonus track called "Prisoner of Your Eyes" that was added to the 30th Anniversary re-release of Screaming for Vengeance. There's nothing earth-shattering about the song itself, but some of the lyrics gave me a mind-blowing epiphany. I now know how to reconcile those pesky plot issues and everything looks to be able to fall into place!

Along the same lines, after a recent conversation with my boss I have no more reservations about working on the story while I'm "on the clock" at work. So the words should start flowing more freely now.

Part 2 will see Adam growing (and struggling with) his powers. Meanwhile, cheerleaders are being attacked in their beds in the middle of the night-- by a vampire? Adam will need to come to terms with his powers and once again come to the rescue before it's too late.

Stay tuned!!



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