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For both of you that are waiting, eagerly, for another Stewart story, you'll have to keep waiting. I am reposting the corrected copy of "Stewart's Second Mission."
I am pushing forward with "Stewart's First Contact", but I am trying to actually write the damn thing instead of just letting it happen.
But next up is "Stewart's Third Mission", which is getting a second act.
So, years after my patient readers pointed out the many typo and grammatical errors in Flight from Babylon, I finally got around to incorporating them into the text ad re-posting. I really enjoyed revisiting Richard Stewart and the girls. So much so that I am attempting to keep on the roll and fix First Cruise of Lt. Stewart.
Where will this madness end?
I don't yet have reviewing privileges on SOL, but I just read Renpet's, "A Son's Love" and had to say something.
In one way, Renpet's latest, "A Son's First Love" is a typical Renpet story, in that it is almost perfect in every respect. It's well-written, well-paced, and damned arousing. In another way it's atypical: it's about a young man's desire for his mother.
I do not have the "mom" kink, but Renpet's description of David's mom is breathtaking. Many of the small details that are missing from a typical erotic story are here, adding to the sense of verisimilitude. The soft feel of a woman's ass, the sensation of fabric sliding across silky fabric, the damp tassels of a woman's hair across her forehead after making love.
Every Renpet story I have read has taught me something about writing erotica. Anyone wanting to improve their writing should read his stories and pay attention to how he describes settings, action, and most of all, women.
Ah, the women. I think that Renpet loves each woman that he writes. I applaud myself that this is something that I have learned from him.
As always, his description of David's first time is deliciously delayed, raising the tension in the narrative.
I have read many of Renpet's stories on ASSTR. I am glad to see him on SOL, and I look forward to many more of his stories. I give "A Son's First Love" the highest possible recommendation and score!
More! More!
I am so grateful to those of you who have read and commented on "Flight From Babylon" and "First Cruise of Lieutenant Stewart."
I have re-posted the story, including correcting some of the typos my sharp-eyed readers have found. I've also included just a few details to ret-con some stuff for later stories.
I am posting a two-part story today, I Was a Confederacy Slave, a story that occurs in Thinking Horndog's "Swarm Cycle Universe."
It's an extraction story, but in this case the story is told by a boy who is extracted as a concubine.
For those who are familiar with my previous Swarm Cycle stories, this is quite a bit different. It has less humor and is much more. . .uncomfortable. If I can make you yell at your screen, "No, you fool, not that way!" Then I think that I have accomplished what I set out to do.
Yes, the title is a very small joke ("I Was a Fugitive From a Chain Gang") and It ties into the "Stewart" series in the end.
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