The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

John D: Blog


Naked Wednesday

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Recently I took part in Naked Wednesday, an Internet "meme" where every week a brave soul has their tasteful naked picture or pictures published on the site for all to see. The submitters can remain anonymous, but it was quite exciting to do!

I have just written a short story about a couple who do it, but if you have the balls, why not join in with Little Miss's site? ;)

Eroticon 2013 and Story Update

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Hi all,

I know I have not posted much recently but I have been tied up on another literary project. That's over now, and I am writing Growing Pains again.

I have a story about Fiona, Andy's business partner being written; it's at 43,000 words and is nearly there. I have a story about Abi as a kiddie written and is with my proof reader and I have a story about Abi's hellish time in Birmingham written but needs another edit before going to the proof-reader. Furthermore, the first chapter of Book 3 is nearly written!

This weekend though, I am in London at Eroticon 2013 learning how to write about sex! :)

I have not forgotten my writing; quite the reverse but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day.


TWO Short stories released

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I've just released two short stories, The Confessions of a Vengeful Teenager SOL here and the very short Demanding Girl can be found here

As ever ... feedback please

The final chapter of New Pleasures

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I have had a few emails regarding the penultimate chapter I posted two days ago, asking me to continue the story.

There is no need to "panic!"

The end of New Pleasures this week will NOT be the end of the series - New Secrets will be released in November and December that follows on from the end of New Pleasures.

This will be followed by further books in the New Year.

I have so much Rhea, Sarah, Abi, Andy, etc stories to tell.


Penultimate Chapter

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Hi all,

I have just posted my penultimate chapter of New Pleasures - Chapter 19. I am very fond of Chapters 19 and 20 as they have PLENTY of Rhea in them.

Hope it meets everyone's approval.




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