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I completed editing all the previous chapters and reposted. Narration and action beats primarily affected, scattered changes to dialogue. The story remains the same, but told better.
I'm into writing chapter 14 and hope to have it ready in 2 to 3 weeks. I estimate 20 chapters to complete.
Principal note: I've combined the previous chapters 9 & 10, reducing the current chapter count to 11. The new Chapter 12 is in editing and will be posted soon, as is Chapter 13. If you've already read 12, that's now 11 and you'll want to read the new 12.
I'm a good way into Chapter 14 as I've had some time over the holidays. I expect to finish at Chapter 20.
TLDR; Some edits have been made to existing chapters. The last 3 posted chapters have been renumbered (reduced by one) The next 2 chapters will be posted imminently, and yet another expected to be soon. The story is moving along!
My writing wasn't up to my current standards when I started on this. I's already rewritten from scratch one, but this week while rereading to refresh my memory for new writing, reworded some sentences and emoting that were clumsy, and on a few places added detail to the story by replacing some telling with showing, making the writing style more consistent with later chapters. I uploaded chapter 1-3. I'm going through chapter 4 now, but it looks like any further edits will be for clarity and misspellings.
I've been busy at real life and my postings have been further between in recent months, but I am still pushing on.
The newest chapter was posted almost two weeks ago, but I had to make some small changes at the end. No events are changed, but instead it's how Hannah phrases her situation. This was my first go at the final scene of the chapter, despite knowing how I wanted it to end for a long time. However, since then I'd further developed details of Hannah's character that will shape her throughout the rest of the story, and honestly, her reaction at the end was not 'in character' for what I have plotted for her. She still vents her frustration and anger at Joe, but the focus is a little different.
Go give it a read and enjoy.
It took forever to get enough time to get 10k words together for chapter 8, but ten days ago I succeeded and made a new post. Fresh with that excitement, I dove right into the next scene in the next chapter. I had mapped out 7 scenes, a little more than my usual 4 or 5, but a few days later when I finished the first of those 7 I was 4k words in. I loved the scene, but didn't look forward to another 6 before I posted, so I just went with it as it was.
Trying not to spoil anything, in this chapter the teens ponder the meaning of The Life of Brian while I also take contrasting looks at how girls might respond to a shy guy who can't stop looking but goes no further.
Foreshadowing, foreshadowing...
I'm into the second half of act two, starting to head downhill for the deep and dark third and final act.
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