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Jakelyon: Blog



Posted at

I have updates on in final editing for The Bear, 1973, and several old inactive stories. Should be up this weekend.


Posted at

I received an anonymous comment, of course, from someone who said I was being disrespectful to women by my use of "Bitch" or "Slut". I think it was in my story "Impregnating Julie. I am going to say, since I could not answer the person directly, that I'm pretty happy with the story and I don't care. Don't read my shitty, pornorgrapic drivel if you don't like the way I write. I am pretty sure most of what I write is pretty offensive to someone.

Second, someone asked me why I have so many unfinished stories. Well that is because I start stories and then don't finish them. Again this is free nonsense, all of them are pure stroke story porn.

I am a lazy writer, of that there is no doubt, so I am warning everyone that my stories are not proofread well, and I'm likely not to finish the story.

The good news is I am writing a lot now so I might get a bunch of stuff finished up for anyone who can overlook my massive personal flaws.

Wife Punishment

Posted at

I made a mistake on my story "Wife Punishment". I intend to continue it but in showing it as a complete story I am now reaping a harvest of 1's, up to 26 now. At least they don't allow negative votes on the site. To all of you who are pissed at my lack of punishment for my wife character do not fret, more is coming to make her rue her slutty ways.

Being properly chastised I will make sure I am more careful on my continue/not continue decision.

Chapters or Series

Posted at

In some of my earlier stories I used multiple chapters in the same story. I noticed that my readership as the number of chapters increased and I felt like people did not really make it to the end of the story.

Most recently I took my latest story "1973" and make it a series with each story in the series being essentially what I would have called a chapter before. My question now is what's best, chapters or stories within a series. I am interested in opinions going forward.

Story Codes

Posted at

I started a new universe called the "Furry Club" and I might have used too many codes. Mostly because I got some anonymous feedback that I was an idiot.

So the question I need answered is should I start with just a couple of codes and add them as the story expands, or give the full number of codes the story is going to end up a couple of chapters later.



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