Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Jack Spratt: Blog


All For a Few Bucks

Posted at

This is a story from November 2000. It has been reedited by Jim7, no bunnies were endangered during the edit.

Story intro: Being short of cash Don accepted a babysitting job. It developed into more than he expected. Avery taught Don about the wonders of sex. Don introduced Jayden to the greatest feeling on earth. Enjoy

Mathew 'Mats' Rogers Series

Posted at

Chapter Ten, long overdue, should be posted within the next 24 hours. Since it has been a few years (eleven) between chapters, it may be prudent to re-read the prior chapters to get the drift of what led to Chapter Ten..



Mathew 'Mats' Rogers Series

Posted at

The last entry for 'Mats Series' was May 17,‎2008‎. I am sure the few of you that follow my feeble attempts can recall the last chapter and are waiting with baited breath for Chapter Ten 'On the Road to Vera Clara', which should be posted mid January.

Just keeping you in the loupe. For those of you that don't recall the prior chapters from Ten Years ago you may want to take a peak to refresh your memory.

Jim7 wasn't impressed to reedit the 'Sand-script' copy of Chapter ten.

So This is New Year's Eve!!!

Posted at

Many will be in the midst of preparing for the on coming Celebrations. May I suggest today when you are out and about, perhaps enjoying a coffee, look around the area. Do you notice anyone doing without???

Maybe consider offering a hot beverage, it will make you feel good and certainly will make the day of the recipient!

May all my few readers enjoy a very Memorable New Year.

Welcome 2019..


So This is Christmas.

Posted at

So here we are it is now Christmas Day!!! Did it start as you envisioned? Are you enjoying the day with friends and family?? It is my hope you are!

Now that you are smiling and feeling good about yourself, think about getting a little exercise, take a walk and pass that smile of yours to every one you met. Your smile may be all it takes for each receiver to feel better about themselves, and their smiles may help another recipient. It cost you little and brings joy to many!!

Have a great day.




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