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I'm excited for two reasons. First, I can get this story off the incomplete and inactive list. Second, I've got some ideas that get from where I left off to the story conclusion in an interesting way. Not liking any of the ideas I had for finishing the story is what led to it sitting on the back burner for ages.
I'm re-reading the whole story, and I'm going to be posting updates to the existing chapters. Some of the dialogue changes a bit to make the overall story a bit more clear and cohesive, but no plat changes. And I caught a few typos and similar goofs that I can clean up by posting updates. I don't think I've had any email asking why I never finished the story, but I'd still like to finish something I started.
I've got two more chapters to put the finishing touches on to finish up the current Samantha story, so that's what will get posted next. Then updates to Boobiliscious followed up by the 4 unposted chapters. Depending on what new gets written while I'm working on that I'll either finish up Boobiliscious or start posting Meagan's Breathing Lessons.
I've got a rough draft of the first chapter written. Probably more importantly, I've converted the first two stories that were written in a standard word processor into Plume so it's a lot easier to outline and track story details for continuity.
Hope everyone is enjoying the progress of Samantha's lessons in the meantime.
I know the Meagan series is by far my most popular, but I was working on this idea in parallel with the last Meagan story and just now finished it up, or at least enough that I can start posting chapters. I just submitted the first of seven.
Next on the list will be Meagan's Breathing Lessons, and I actually came up with an idea to get Boobiliscious finished up, so maybe I can try to get that story finished and off the incomplete and inactive list.
I seem to have a bad habit of trying to write two stories at once, or not writing anything at all.
Not even going to guess on a time frame. I'm still working on importing the story so far into something better at managing a large story. (Plume if anyone is interested.) It is so much better than a giant word processor doc and a 2nd doc full of story notes.
However, now that MGCL is finished, if anyone has any thoughts about how the story has gone so far or where it might go next feel free to send them to me. Believe it or not, I've actually gotten good ideas from some of the feedback I've received.
Thanks for reading and putting up with the long gap in writing.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone who either came back to this series after a long gap between stories.
I just submitted chapter 6 for posting, so I hope everyone enjoys it once it's available.
I haven't been using an editor for this story, so feel free to point out any technical errors. I realized that I probably didn't do the best job spell checking the earlier chapters.
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