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I'm posting the 1st three chapters of a new story together. I want to see if getting more of a story up front is a better reading experience that getting an initial single chapter as an introduction to a new story. Let me know what you think.
I'll cover what I've learned by trying to make a weekly habit of writing for Stories Online below, but I'm guessing more people will be interested in the conclusion of this story. I submitted the final three chapters. It looks like the admins had already grabbed Chapter 28 to get it posted. I've got chapter 29 scheduled to post Wednesday moring and the final chapter 30, scheduled to post Friday the 17th. If you want to ready the conclusion as one big chunk, wait until Friday. I broke up the posting so that more people will get a chance to see this on the recently updated stories. The final chapter is a long one, I could have easily broken it up into 2 parts, but I figured this series deserved to finish up with what's esentially a double chapter. I might try playing around with how I group or don't group chapters for posting with future stories.
Topless Daughters really took on a life of it's own. When I first came up with the idea, the outline was twelve or thirteen chapters tops. As I started writing, I kept coming up with new things for Jana and Erica to do with Jeff and Greg. I'm really happy I let the story grow.
On to what I've learned about trying to make writing a habbit. The first thing I've learned is that it takes a lot longer to edit a story and polish it for posting than I had expected. The final three chapters ended up being about 7500 words and it took me close to three hours to edit them and polish up things like spelling and grammar. I know I don't catch everything that way, but I can get them to a reasonable level of corectness that way. Feel free to send me corrections if you see them. I've actually got a few edits I still need to apply to recent chapters if I'm remembering correctly.
Right now, I've got my goal as spending at least an hour per week on stories for this site. I'll keep my eye on the balance between time spent writing new content and time spent editing. Unfortunately, while I was finishing up Topless Daughters, I got inspired to write on a different sort of incest story, and it also is ready for editing and posting. I think the initial writing work is done on that one. So it might be a while before I get around to trying to find the right balance between new writing and getting those new stories ready for posting. This is a hobby, but maybe an hour a week isn't enough time to spend on it. On the plus side for people who like reading my stories, there is a new one that I will be posting soon.
I'm trying to make 2025 a year of good habits. It's not quite a new year's resolution because I started on this in mid December. On the plus side, my house is a lot cleaner than it was a few weeks ago and I've finished reading a few books last month. On the down side for this site, I didn't have a habit in the tracker for Storiesonline writing until I got the chapter prepped for Chaos. Posting a chapter a month for that story has long stretches where I didn't write at all, but I still feel like it's taken me longer than I would have liked to get Topless Daughter's wrapped up.
If having a goal that got me writing at least once a month has been good, I'm really hoping that having a weekly writing goal with do even better this year.
(Note: I wrote this blog right after submitting a new story. If you're reading this blog entry and wondering "What new story?", it should post within a few hours.)
I mentioned I have a new story that could be the first in a series. On a similar topic, Little Sister spoils NNN could be a second entry in a series to go along with Little Sister's Amazing Underboob.
On the surface, the two stories have little in common structurally. The progression down the slipery slope is very gradual in Underboob, where it is extremely rapid in NNN. However, there is the common thread of someone realizing his little sister is super sexy.
Any thoughts about it making sense to group these two into a series or leaving the two in the general pool of my stories without belonging to a series?
Chaos on the Cul-de-sac is going over 50,000 words with the December chapter. Topless Daughter at the Pool recently went over 50,000 downloads. I'm pretty pleased with both milestones. With holiday meals and family birthdays, it was hard to find time to edit stories this week.
I got inspired to write a 1-chapter stroke story this month, and I really wanted to post it December 1st. I'll have to see if I can find time in my schedule to polish that one up and get it posted as close to the first of the month as I can. After I get that posted, my plan is to get the last three chapters of Topless Daughters posted to finish up that story.
I also submitted a story for the Halloween contest, Wendy's Witchy Ways. I had fun writing it, but it didn't get a lot of attention in the contest, and I'm not sure it got much notice on my page once the contest ended.
I do have a new story to post once Topless Daughters is complete that could be the first entry in a new series, but I'll write more about that once it's ready to start posting.
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