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Indiana Tom: Blog


Going Home update

Posted at

Well, chapter 3 is done and posted and I am currently working on chapter 4. I plan to write 5 chapters total for this befor I write the next story in this series which will take place in a Cathlic girls school. I hope you like that one as well.

please give me good positive scores if you like what I've written and I'll get more stories and chapters out ASAP

Indiana Tom

going home chapter 3

Posted at

sorry for the delay in chapters fans, chapter 3 is almost done and will be posted asap

Going Home update

Posted at

Well, I finally got chapter 2 done and I'm working on 3.

I plan on having, maybe, five or six chapters in all and I'm working on them as fast as I can so please be patient

I really hope you like my stories, I've never written any before but I write what I like and I hope it appeals to you too

If you have any suggestions or comments, please email me at and please put a header on the email so I'll know what it's about

Thank you

Indiana Tom

Going Home Chapter 2

Posted at

If you readers liked chapter 1 of this story, chapter 2 is coming just as soon as I can possibly write it.

The action in chapter 2 will be even hotter than 1 (at least I think so IMHO)

there will be a third part to this series coming out later in which characters from stories one and two will be taking part in. this plot has been discussed before to those that have read my stories, if you haven't read them before, please do.

the fourth part in this series will actually go back in time a little form the continuity of this series in order to show what else happened on the same day as the events shown on "gas Leak" in the town of Sherwood from other peoples' point of view. I explained alittle of these happenings in the epilogue for gas leak but wanted to show more detail in it

I have a fifth part planed as well which will discuss more of what happen in Sherwood in the present time when Diane, the maid returns home.

After this I plan on writing other, completely differens stories

thank you for reading my stories
Indiana Tom

A Sequel To Gas Leak

Posted at

I've just wrote chapter 1 of my sequel to my story gas leak called going home which should be posted soon if it hasnt been posted already

chapter 2 is coming soon

more stories in this series are coming soon



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