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Harry The Hermit: Blog


Welcum To The Neighborhood

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Last chapter is uploaded, awaiting posting shortly. I hope you enjoyed it. These characters may appear in other stories somewhere down the line, who knows, eh?


New Story: Welcum To The Neighborhood!

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When real life gets in the way, it can do it with major distractions.

I finally got around to finishing one of the over 50 stories that are still in progress on my hard drive. It's a short one, and just chapter 1 for today, with more coming soon. I'm not sure if there is a "universe" for this one or not, but it might get worked into a universe that I'm working on.

I hope you enjoy this one!


More that I anticipated

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This story that I'm working on is getting out of hand, a little. It was supposed to be an intro to another story, just to set things up and introduce the characters, but it has a life of its own. In my last blog entry, I talked a little bit about it, and I think I was at about 120 pages at the time, and now I'm over 250 pages and it doesn't show any sign of getting even close to the end.

I have been asked to post what I have, but I made a promise to myself that I would never post a story until it was completed, and I'm sticking to that. So, don't give up on me, I'm still out here.

I also have parts of another couple dozen stories in the works that I fiddle around with when I get blocked, so one or more of those might make it out before the bigger one, but you never can tell what the Muse will let me do.


Writing Styles

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Just to let anyone that still reads my blog here that I'm still writing, even though I haven't posted a whole lot lately. I know that a lot of writers write like they were trained to, and make an outline of where the story is going, and how it's supposed to get there, but I just have never been able to do it that way. That's probably why I have a good start on close to thirty stories without finishing them.

I have recently changed jobs after fifteen years of retail work, I now have a boring desk job, but it gives me a little time each day to do some writing on the company dime. I had an idea for a two part story, with a fairly short into as the first part, and the main story to be quite a bit longer, but so far the into part is over 120 pages in my word processor program, and doesn't show any signs of slowing. That's the problem with the way that I write, I just let the story write itself, and I just put it down on the screen. I hope my muse will let me keep going on this one, because it seems like a good one.

It's strange going back and reading what I have written after a while, because I just can't see myself writing it, but I know that I did the work. It's just plain strange, but it also allows me to do a better job of proofreading it myself, since when I'm reading stories, I'm always wondering why a writer didn't do something a different way, and now I can change it to be better, because it is still my story.

I hope to have something out soon, but no promises.

Have a happy holiday season and a great new year.


Another quickie - Home Early

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I just uploaded a new story, and I know that I suck at endings, but this was just meant to be a quickie that came to me while taking a break from working on a few other, much longer works, that are still in progress.





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