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Gordon Johnson: Blog


Butlered - Ch. 11

Posted at

There seems to have been a glitch on SOL, when I posted ch. 10. It pretended that there was ch. 11 there!
To sort things out, I have now posted chapter 11. Enjoy!

Butlerd - clarification

Posted at

When I said more might come later; that meant AFTER the end of the 26 chapters of this story! Chapter two now ...

Butlered is coming

Posted at

Finally, my new tale, "Butlered" is complete, at just over 100,000 words. I can now start posting the first of 26 chapters.
It is another Personalia story, but only tangentially. It is primarily a crime mystery tale, featuring an ex-soldier in his new career as a butler to the rich, but with a difference.

Time lag for the butler

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I intended to crack on with my new butler story, 'but I had occasion to check something in an earlier novel, Old Craters', which is on Kindle (one of the 'Landership' series).
I shouldn't have. I found lots of grammatical errors and others, so I decided to edit the whole novel. It has taken me until yesterday to complete that task - still a good read -, so now I can get back to the new story, called 'Butlered'. I hope to have that finished in a couple of weeks, then start posting chapters.

What now?

Posted at

With the completion of "Malan Mothers on Rehome", I had to consider what to write next.I have elected to write a new thriller/mystery story in what will become the "butler" series. This one will recount how a soldier becomes a butler, but a butler with a difference. My running title for it is "Butlered", but that may change.
It is going to take some time to write,so it may take some weeks before I can post the first chapter. Please be patient.



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