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There seems to have been a glitch on SOL, when I posted ch. 10. It pretended that there was ch. 11 there!
To sort things out, I have now posted chapter 11. Enjoy!
When I said more might come later; that meant AFTER the end of the 26 chapters of this story! Chapter two now ...
Finally, my new tale, "Butlered" is complete, at just over 100,000 words. I can now start posting the first of 26 chapters.
It is another Personalia story, but only tangentially. It is primarily a crime mystery tale, featuring an ex-soldier in his new career as a butler to the rich, but with a difference.
I intended to crack on with my new butler story, 'but I had occasion to check something in an earlier novel, Old Craters', which is on Kindle (one of the 'Landership' series).
I shouldn't have. I found lots of grammatical errors and others, so I decided to edit the whole novel. It has taken me until yesterday to complete that task - still a good read -, so now I can get back to the new story, called 'Butlered'. I hope to have that finished in a couple of weeks, then start posting chapters.
With the completion of "Malan Mothers on Rehome", I had to consider what to write next.I have elected to write a new thriller/mystery story in what will become the "butler" series. This one will recount how a soldier becomes a butler, but a butler with a difference. My running title for it is "Butlered", but that may change.
It is going to take some time to write,so it may take some weeks before I can post the first chapter. Please be patient.
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