Well, storywise, anyway. I've had Journey on the back burner for quite a while. I think maybe it's ready for here. First one is done. Next one depends on the response to this one (got it going already). Enjoy!
It's cold outside
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So I'll stay in and write.
Another try - something different.
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Got a few from my archives - wrote 'em a while back. No sex, but fun, I think.
We're in!
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Finally the finale!
Thanks for being patient - this was my first attempt at this sort of thing, and I had fun, even if nobody else did.
May have another one in the pipeline, completely different from this one. We'll see.
Thanks again to Denny!
Chapter 47 is at the editor's
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And chapter 48 is underway, and I'm blushing! Hey - I'm an oulde phart, and this stuff is from waaaay back when!