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Frank Speaks: Blog



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Thanks to those who responded regarding Radio_Guy. He feels much better and two people gave him a couple of ideas for his next story!
I've got to finish something. I now have three started and haven't figured out where any of them are going!
Enjoyed the radio this a.m. hearing from the Caymans, eastern Canada, and California. Missed the Aussies by twenty minutes. I'll just have to get up earlier. RG talked with them and a Japanese station early this a.m.

Gotta start at some point.

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I have avoided doing a blog for a long time but everyone eventually has a moment of weakness.
I'm working on a few stories but have no idea when they will be posted. My last resulted in low scores and no comments so I don't know what wasn't liked.
I guess that is better than Radio Guy who is quitting posting and maybe writing. The only comments he gets are people picking nits. He is disheartened and I have to admit that kind of thing or no feedback at all stops new stories from posting.
Anyway, I have two and he has more in his original series that may never get here.
Trolls take notice!



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