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I'd started assembling a new system to hopefully have it working before christmas but alas, the board is defective and not showing all of the memory. Thus I'm having to send it back to the vendor and my christmas gift to myself will be late this year.
For those interested, read her
"Dusty 2 Zaps" story where she covers the clearing of Low/Medium Earth Orbit of much of the debris from old Satelites and such and then look at how much crap is being put into Leo/Meo by Amazon/Starlink and other Satelite Internet providers. How much of that garbage is going to deorbit when expected or what happens when it hits and breaks up?
Something silly but sweet that I wrote many years ago. Decided to share it finally
Windows 10 decided to update itself and fragged the start menu due to their AI garbage. Just another reason for me to say not only "No! But Hell No!!" as I don't want all of their malware/spyware being on my computer.
Guess it's a good thing I was already planning on switching back to Linux as I control the Updates and choose when they'll happen. Yes Linux has reached the point it's ready for Prime Time usage as my one game, "Guild Wars 2" runs great on Proton (Steam) so I have nothing holding me back.
Thankfully we have a very useful resource in the Forums as I asked the question about Lazlo Zalezac status.
Turns out he's been gone since late 2018 due to lung cancer. I'm sorry to say another favorite author has been lost and I didn't even notice. You will be missed Lazlo
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