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Dominion's Son: Blog


New chapter of Son of Chronos almost ready.

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I know it has been nearly 2 years since I last posted a new chapter. Over the last two years things have been very busy with my regular job and I have had multiple medical issues. I finally have a new chapter of Son of Chronos ready to send out for editing and should have it posted by the end of next week. I remain fairly busy with my regular job, so I don't expect to get out more than two or three chapters a year going forward.

Getting back to writing

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Various events in my life have pulled me away from writing for the last year. I am trying to get back to continuing both of my stories. Fan encouragement is appreciated.

Dominion Chronicle Update

Posted at

The revised chapter 1 is on the site and chapter 2 has been submitted and should be available soon. Chapter 3 is out for editing and should be posted within the next week.

Dominion Chronicle update.

Posted at

I have been working on revisions to chapter's 1 and 2 to show more of what is going on in Kat/Kitten's head. I will be doing this through on-going commentary/discussion/argument between two inner voices in Kat/Kitten's mind.

One is the voice of what she considers her true inner self. This voice will appear in blue in the story.

The other voice is the product of the fact that Kat/Kitten grew up in an extremely sexually repressive environment. Kat/Kitten refers to this voice as her evil twin and it will appear in red.

Chapter 3 is ready and will be going to my editor as soon as I can get the revised chapter 2 posted.



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