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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Detroitmechworks: Blog


Just FYI

Posted at

I've pretty much abandoned this handle.

Not going to delete any stories, but they're not going to be worked on under THIS handle any more. I appreciate all the positive comments, etc... but the internet is not really my friend anymore. I've had my handles de-listed by google and numerous other search engines, for a joke about a sandwich. (Not kidding, and a Long story. Apparently my story was stepping on Whedon's dick or something.)

I know who my friends are, who has supported my work, and who has not. Thanks to those who know who you are. I know most of you not half as well as I should like, and like the rest of you half as well as you deserve.

I am going now.


Thanks for keeping me afloat.

Posted at

Been a long couple years.

I've been writing, but deleting a lot. Wonderful world of depression and inter-state moves.

On the plus side, been fully embracing my Poly side, and have a Significant other who supports me.

Hopefully will have something new in a bit. Don't know how long, I've got snow, kids, and a TV with a netflix account...

But then I also have Coffee and Pot, so perhaps inspiration will strike.

See you with something new soon. I hope.

Trying to decide what to do.

Posted at

Haven't started a new story yet because my muse is a fickle bitch.

That's a theoretical non-corporeal, rather obnoxious muse.

RIght now, there's ONE story floating around in my head, but I can't quite put a plot to it...

Has to do with a very special character, who doesn't want to be written because of the nature of fictional characters. Yes, very meta and hard to explain. Which is why the story ISN'T GETTING STARTED!!! AAAAAARGGGGH!

Brain, start thinking formula, please, so people can enjoy my work again.

Aaand it's done!

Posted at

Only a bit of a novella this time, but I really wanted to prove to myself I could finish a story for once, instead of letting it languish for years.

For those who don't know, I'm battling the hell out of depression, and it takes a toll. Recently I've been fighting back via writing, which is highly dependent on Caffeine intake.

When I'm wired, I can do 10-15 pages a day no problem. When I'm not, well, it is a struggle to make three hundred fifty words. Such is the price of my life, I guess.

Thanks for reading, thanks for voting, and thanks for your kind words.

So, trying something new...

Posted at

Got all three Chapters that I've written up.

Going to do more later. Just wanted to get this done today.

Hope you enjoy, and if you don't, hey, let me know how I can fix it.



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