Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Deenara2000: Blog


Seasons Greetings

Posted at

Please remember your favorite authors at this time of the year. Some of us really do depend on your donations just to get by.

Thank you and Seasons Greeting and Blessings to all for a good New year to come.

Donations can be made to Palpal:

Happy Holidays

Posted at

Hi everyone,
Hey remember that Christmas time is coming closer, Books make very good gifts.
It's also a good way to show your support for you favorite authors by buying books they have Available.
Donations are also another way of showing your support.

Please show your support for the authors and for this site so that more good stories can be shared.
Thank you and have many Happy Holidays

My books can be founds at Lulu:

Donations can be made though paypal:



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