Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
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De Von: Blog


Random thoughts, No Pretty Bows, and a Shameless Plug

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I've written quite a bit lately, and have some other stories floating around in my head, but tonight felt like a good night for a blog entry. A few things have made their way around and to me lately that inspired this entry.
I'm going to try and do a little more blog writing, so let me know what you think.

No Pretty Bows
I finished Hidden Video recently. It only took 10 years. I've gotten some flack in my mail box because of how the story ended. The common question is "what happened next?" All sorts of things were suggested, from an ongoing threesome to Cris marrying any of the female characters to him running away, joining the military, etc.
Many of my stories, this one included, are based on people and/or events in my life. Very seldom in life are there neat, tidy endings. I could have written more chapters to this story, but it would have simply devolved into more of the same, or some tired old storyline that's been done a hundred times.
Besides, half the fun of reading is letting your imagination run wild with the possibilities of what happens next. How could I take that away from you, dear reader?
A parting thought on this story and its ending....if it bothers you that much, write a new chapter/ending and email it to me. If I like it I'll add it to the story with full credit to the author.

A Shameless Plug
I saw the recent yellow highlight that Clitorides nominations are now open.
I don't know that I've ever been nominated, tho I've been publishing here off and on for over 10 years now. I posted and/or finished several stories in 2020 that might be worthy candidates for a Golden Clitoride award.
If you should happen to agree, feel free to submit a nomination for me. An author's greatest reward is adoration from their fans.

Till next time, keep reading!

If you're going to vote or give feedback, learn what codes mean

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On every story an author submits, there is a section to choose the codes that are relevant to that story.

There is also an entry on the home page titled "Code Definitions" that explains what each code means. If you, as a reader, are going to vote on stories or send feedback to the authors, then you owe it to them to learn what the codes mean and how they apply, or don't apply, to a story and what goes on, or doesn't go on, in it.

By way of example, many of my stories contain acts of reluctance. The code "reluctant" is defined as 'Start as non consensual and then the non consenting party participates willingly'. This takes place in several of my stories, such as "The Blue Haired Girl".
What's important to note here is that Reluctant is NOT rape.
The code "rape" is defined on the site as 'Stories with violent rape'. I have written a couple of those, and they are tagged appropriately.

I have received feedback on several stories of reluctance to the effect of "you forgot the rape tag" or "I voted lower because there was no rape tag". I received one such email about "The Blue Haired Girl" soon after I posted it.
A brief synopsis of the story is that a couple has sex in a restaurant storeroom. As they finish they are caught by the owner's friend, who then gives them the choice of being reported, and fired, or the woman having sex with him. Although initially RELUCTANT, she gives in and allows the sex. She even has an orgasm at the end as the friend creampies her, even tho she begs him not to come inside her.

There is absolutely no violence, and no rape, in this story. So you can see how disappointing it is for me as an author to get an email that basically says "I voted this story down because it didn't have a rape tag."

I don't write or post stories for votes, but I do take a certain satisfaction from my stories being appreciated, including higher average votes. It isn't fair to me, or to other readers, to vote a story down for reasons that don't have to do with the quality of the story. Including dogging a reluctance story because it is tagged appropriately, and not with a rape tag.

In short, give authors the same courtesy we give you. Read the code definitions and understand what they mean.
Rape = Violence.
Reluctant = I don't want to, but I will anyway.

Keep reading! And vote appropriately!



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