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Dark Vision: Blog



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Greetings readers.

I know it’s been a long time since my last blog entry and continuation of my stories, notably Unique Adventures, Our Cabin in The Woods, and Kathy Learns.

I’m offering this not as an excuse but rather as an explanation. I make no apologies.

About ten years ago, my wife’s health took a turn for the worse, and I became her caregiver while still working. In July of 2017, Linda went in for back surgery. There were major complications, and she didn’t return home until December. She lost most of her mobility, and my role as caregiver increased. I continued working from home while taking care of her.

I lost Linda in August of 2023. Her passing was devastating and hard for me to accept. Now, I find myself alone at 75, wondering what to do with my life.

In an effort to occupy my mind, I’m trying to write again. My plan is to continue the stories I have posted and add new ones—anything to get my creative juices flowing again. It’s going to be hard because Linda was my inspiration and proofreader. She offered encouragement and ideas.

I want to thank my readers who ask about my stories. In addition to the aforementioned stories, I’m dusting off some of the things on my hard drive, some started 20 years ago. I don’t have a timeline, but I hope to start posting again soon.

Thanks for your time,

Darkvision – aka Chuck.


Posted at

After a long hiatus, partly due to health issues and partly due to my muse having gone missing, I have decided to begin posting some of the stories laying dormant on my hard drive. Some of these stories are 10+ years old.

My first posting, in a long time, is "Our Cabin in The Woods" - Book 1.

I will post a new chapter at least once a week. In the meantime, I plan to work on UA in hopes of finishing it.

I hope my readers enjoy "Our Cabin in The Woods."

Thanks to all of you that check in with me from time to time.

My current staatus

Posted at

I want everyone to know that I'm alive and well.

Things have been hairy for the past year and real
life has prevented me from spending as much time
writing as I'd like.

Now I find myself in a quandary. My muse has been
running rampant for several years and its
becoming distracting.

Unique Adventures, my ongoing serial, is
progressing slowly at this point. I work on it,
but sometimes find it hard to concentrate. I
know my readers are anxious for the next chapter
and I don't want to disappoint them. However, I
don't want to disappoint myself either.

I began writing over ten years ago to see if I
could produce an acceptable product. From the
beginning, I wrote for me and hoped my readers
enjoyed reading my work as much as I enjoyed
creating it.

Over the years, story ideas have surfaced. I
took a break from my current serial(s) to begin a
new story and get the idea down before I lost it.
Now I find my hard drive cluttered with over
forty stories in various phases of completion.
Some are short, but others are lengthy. In my
mind, I can see how each of the stories ends.

I find that working on something other than UA
helps me work out ideas for the continuing saga.

So, I'm reaching out for a little guidance.

I know that the decision is mine,
but I respect the options of others.

My questions are, should I start posting my
other stories or wait until I finish Unique
Adventures as well as another story I add to from
time to time?

I welcome input and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,



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