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I'm trying to find out what this dessert is called. It's from a Korean movie called Cook up a storm on Netflix. If you haven't seen it, I reccomend it, I love Korean cooking shows, always entertaining. In the clip Paul Ahn, makes a mousse dessert that ressembles an egg. Any chef's on here, you're welcome to take a stab... arrr.
Sorry for the delay, had a mental block on this one. Here's chapter six, posting shall resume.
So we reach the half way mark, chapter five was a big one. I hope y'all enjoyed it, please to note my Assassin's creed rip off lol. Chapter one has his 10 thousand downloads, with chapter two not far behind. I'm working on chapter six at the moment and am going to have a little break from posting. Keep an eye out, two weeks time and I'll start posting again!
Spoke to my man about it and we settled on thick gambeson. Enjoy, chapter four will be posted next Monday!
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