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Darian Wolfe: Blog


A new chapter of The Falling Oak

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Hello Everyone,

I just uploaded a new chapter of the Oak. Hopefully, it should be up soon.



Warlord - Hiatus

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Hello Everyone,

I've dreaded making this post, but I owe it to my faithful readers. I am putting Warlord on Hiatus. To be honest, it's too much to keep up with at the present. While I have been making great strides in a lot of areas in my health, my mental health (emotional and biological) has been a daily struggle.

Trying to keep up with character lists, maps, and room drawings for what was meant as an epic story is hard. When you add, culture, currency exchanges, languages and factions it is too much for me. I literally don't have the ability or emotional capacity to continue functioning on that level at the present.

My mental functioning is still deteriorating. At best, I've been able to push it back some and slow it, but it is a slow moving avalanche. I'm losing ground in capacity even as I train and mobilize what I do have available. So there we are.

So will I still do any writing? I don't know, but if I do it will be short one or two offs. I've been doing some but not much and it's nowhere near as complex as what Warlord was meant to be and isn't appropriate for this pen name. If something shows up then it shows up, but I'm not making anymore promises.


Darian Wolfe

Warlord Chapter 17 Update again

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Hello Everyone,

I know it's been a minute and a half. Things have been interesting lately. I've been in a car wreck (My car died, but I'm ok.) I've also had several multiple day bouts of my illness, Doc appointments and learning to work out again. I've also got a new grand baby.

Add in my other projects and I had to let Warlord slide a bit, Tommorrow I'm ramping up on it and have found a way to get some more words laid down in each session. I'm not promising, but it is my intention to have chapter 17 out by Sat. August 13th of 2022.

I want to thank my readers who have inquired about my health and all of you for your patience. I do appreciate it.



Warlord Chapter 17 News

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Hello Everyone,

I plan to have chapter 17 up on Thursday. It would have been sooner, but my gift that keeps on giving laid me out for basically two days.

Oxa the leader of the Boars is seriously wounded. All of his lieutenants are dead with the exception of Vall. Mark has been thrown in over his head attempting to be second in command when he knows almost nothing of Klurian weapons and tactics. Is an attack imminent? Read Warlord chapter 17 when it's posted to find out.



Chapter 16 of Warlord is in the Pipe

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Hello Everyone,

Chapter 16 is on it's way to your screens. I hope you enjoy it,




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