Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
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Illegitimi non carborundum

Posted at Updated:

Don't let the bastards grind you down, a reader advised. He's right.

For friends of the Pam Years series, Sandy's Story: Giving It Up is in the works. Intended as a simple story of Ben taking his young sister-in-law's virginity, it's turning into more, much more, as Sandy relates her story. It's really becoming more of a coming of age tale as Sandy tells her story beginning from summer vacation after 8th grade, at the tender age of 14. It might be a while before it's posted, but I think it will be worth the wait.

For the two or three fans that might remain of the Peppermint Anthology, It''s training is underway. More is forthcoming, be patient.


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Chapter 5 of Witchy-Poo, Anarchist and the Nymphs is posted. I really didn't expect it to run this long, but some seem to enjoy it, and I don't see an immediate ending in sight. We'll let it lead where it leads. I think Lisa really needs to get fucked, don't you?

For you fans of the Peppermint Anthology series (I think there are five of you), a new story is being outlined. Peggy will be set to her most difficult task yet.

I'm shocked

Posted at

Not a single "go away" vote.

But then, anonymous feedback is turned off.

So maybe I'm not so shocked.


Posted at Updated:

After an extremely snotty (and anonymous, of course) criticism feedback on Peppermint Arousal I've posted a minor rewrite.

Because regardless of the tone, parts of the criticism was spot on. I think the story reads better now, and gives you a better picture, even in the short format, of Sir, Slave, and Sir's playroom.

I've disabled anonymous feedback due to the person's attitude, however, regardless of how accurate some of it might have been.

I have no doubt that he voted the story a "1". "SOL doesn't have a low enough rating for this trash".

His tone was like me walking into your house, as an invited guest, and saying, "Where'd you get your furniture? Salvation Army? Your decorating style sucks, and the meal you just served me tastes like something dredged from a sewage treatment plant."

He started off with "I read a lot of BDSM stories". Guess what? I bet he knows nothing of the lifestyle. He's never experienced being a Dom or a sub. He's clueless about the fact that most good Doms....started as subs. He's never been in subspace. He doesn't even know what that is.

If you don't like a code in a story I write here, don't read the story. I don't fucking need you. I'm old enough (probably older than you) to deserve to be cynical. And a bit of a curmundgeon.

In fact, I'll take it a step further. If I get 10 feedbacks in the next 24 hours telling me to "go away", I'll stop posting. I'll ask management to REMOVE my stories. Every single one of them.

There are other sites where the users will appreciate my work. I have 21 novels posted in Kimdle format on Amazon. It's not like I need SOL. This is just a place to scribble and play with ideas.

Voting on stories

Posted at Updated:

"Peppermint Arousal" has been posted, and as expected, it has a low vote score. Not because it's a bad story, but because some people just don't like BDSM elements, so they gave it a '1'.

Here's a hint for you. If you don't like certain types of stories, don't read them. And in particular, don't just load them and scroll to the bottom to give them a bad score, which I suspect is how "Peppermint Arousal" got its '1' votes.

In all the time I've been a member at SOL, I've given a single '1' vote. And it was well deserved, a disjointed tale full of poor grammar, poor spelling and run on sentences, without a single paragraph break. I took the time to send the author feedback and explain my vote. He's a little better writer today.

I vote on every story I read. And I don't read stories that have elements I don't like. I vote honestly.

Not to arbitrarily skew the score.

UPDATE: Two more '1' votes tonight in the hour since posting this blog, none of them of course having the balls to send feedback other than ANONYMOUS email and explain their vote. Fucktards. Juveniles having fun.

I've disabled anonymous email. If you write, I will reply, and your email may be shown publicly.

The end result will show. "Peppermint Anticipation", a BDSM story, is one of my most popular and highest rated. I have no doubt this story will join it.



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