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The story starts picking up pretty well from here. Again, thanks to all for reading.
Someone wrote to criticize me for turning Larry stupid for answering his hotel room door without checking, given that he knew somone was trying to kill him.
I don't think so. It's been a week, and for the last several days he's been going to work and living his life unmolested. He's reasonably thinking the attempt on his life was a one-off and won't be repeated. Even Susan thinks he can safely go back home. Why should he remain so suspicious? OK, he was a little careless, but aren't we all sometimes? Nobody's gone after him when he's been exposed, he's feeling safe.. I think this is what even a reasonably intelligent person might do.
And I hope his self-rescue today might encourage the idea thart he really ain't that stupid.
More action now, and it'll continue. Probably no more multiple chapters in a day. Thank you for all the kind comments.
The story slows down a lttle again momentarily. So, three chapters today. Then the pace picks back up.
My story may seem a bit hard on bureaucracy; so do some of my others.
Acutally. I think bureaucrats have their place in life. Somebody has to do the jobs they do. And one of those jobs is not going out on a limb in symathy to outsiders. Still, when human beings stop being human beings and willingly transform themselves into mere cogs in an organizational machine, my understanding stops.
Jim Brodine is not one of the heroes of this story.
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