Rouwdy(my Boston Terrier) and I are fine. It's been raining here and that always puts everyone in a better mood. However six inches of rain and hundred degree heat makes for careless weeds and kosa weeds ass deep to a giraffe. So it's High ho, high ho, it's off to mow I go!
I'm sorry to say that I haven't done much on WDCT but have done a little on FP. I kinda felt like I'd painted my self into a corner there. Have hope I think I can jump for the crystal chandelier.
I did buy a new laptop with the blind hope that I could get Dragon Talk to work on it. Apparently that software is only for English speakers. I say this because it doesn't seem to understand Texican. I can safely say that the modern version is no better than the Windows 95 version. I'll keep trying y'all don't give up on me.
Take care,