Okay, after a long respite, I'm back with a couple of words on stories I've read recently:
A Changed Man, by Kien Reti - http://storiesonline.net/library/st_get.php?id=43267
A pretty interesting story. Not a particularly well-written story, mind you, but interesting nonetheless. As a reader, I like it when stories step away from convention and take a new twist on the ordinary. (I should heed my own words)
The Tales of Tamsyn, by Old Bill - http://storiesonline.net/library/st_get.php?id=43264
I like this one, although I must admit that I checked out of it before I finished the story. It's extremely literary and artsy, but it's definitely in the vein of Chaucer, and that's a major accomplishment. Plus, I found the sex scenes exciting, which I suppose is its major accomplishment (given that we're talking about erotica here).
I'm really looking forward to reading Strickland's Havana Club and After Fidel, but I just keep putting it off. I guess I'm wrapped up in so many complex serials right now, my brain can't handle another. Both are very well-recommended and Strick's a dedicated writer by all accounts, so when I read them, I want to give them the attention and focus they both deserve.
Finally, a word on Spitfire and Messerschmitt, by Gina Marie Wylie...Chapter 9 just came out this week, and I'm still reading it (the story overall, not that chapter. I finished the chapter rather quickly). I honestly don't understand why, but I'm addicted to that story like a rat on crack. Usually, I can rationalize away why I'm reading a particular story pretty easily, like Summer Camp or Martha Jane or Japan Camp Counselors. Even something like the aforementioned A Changed Man. But S&M leaves no explanation for me. It's just like The Cherry Orphan in that regard, although I think S&M has much more likeable characters. Anyway, if you want to read it, go here: