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Baltimore Rogers: Blog


Merry Christmas, or Whatever You're Celebrating

Posted at Updated:

The big meal is done. The last load of dishes is in the dishwasher. I'm having one last glass of an excellent Minnesota Pinot Grigio. I hope your evening, or morning, or afternoon, is similarly enjoyable and relaxing for you.

I'm starting to think about New Year's resolutions, and I think number one on my list will be to post some of my other stories on SOL. The stories I'm considering are all a part of J. Darksong's Omegaverse, so named for JD's signature superheroine Omega Girl.

JD does not post to SOL, so don't look for his stories here. I'm sure I've given you enough hints that you can find them in your favorite search engine if you so desire.

I think I can tweak MY stories enough that the dependence on JD's other Omegaverse stories will be minimal. But for the curious I will add footnote-like callouts to other Omegaverse stories (JD's, mine, and others).

These callouts would be similar to the cute "happened in other comic" editor quips in Silver Age Marvel Comics, in particular referencing story and author(s). Again, I think that , given that info and your favorite search engine, you could find them if you so desire.

As for writing NEW stories... we'll see. That would probably come in at about 10th-to-15th on my New Year's resolutions list.

To those who have read, voted for, and commented upon my lone (so far) SOL novel, "Discipline and Reward: A Love Story", thank you from the bottom of my heart. ♥

So, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Spectacular Saturnalia, Yumpin' Yuletide, Joyous and Fulfilling Whatever-Else-You-Might-Be-Celebrating!

-- Baltimore Rogers

UPDATE: Someone just informed me that "Omegaverse" means something completely different in another, apparently more popular genre of fetish literature. So if you want to find JD's stuff, I specifically suggest that you search for: "Omega Girl" "J. Darksong" (with the quotes).

Highly, Highly Recommended

Posted at

Please read The Angels of Bataan by D.T. Iverson. You won't regret it.

'Nuff said.

Happy New Year and Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Posted at

It was a long December,
And there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better
Than the last ...

Yes, I cribbed that.

Best of 2021 to you and yours, wherever you may be.

... It's be so long since
I've seen the ocean.
I think I should.

Merry Christmas ...

Posted at

To all who celebrate it, and a Happy New Year as well, with the same caveats.

As for me, I will be keeping Saturn in Saturnalia and Yule in Yuletide!

-- BR

Highly Recommended

Posted at

I have just finished qhml1's new story "Money Well Spent". I stayed up all night to finish it. It has been years since have read a story that gripping, that poignant, that -- wonderful? yes, wonderful.

No spoilers here. No teasers. No book report synopsis. Just do me a favor. Read it. You won't regret it.



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