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Back online, Chap 3 uploaded

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Internet restored!

So I've been offline at home since Halloween or so, but I did get some writing done in the meantime.

In working on chapter three (and four and five), I got above page fifty and realized that I was maybe halfway through what I wanted to do. In other words, it was just too darn long. Therefore, I have broken my planned chapter three into chapters three and four and pushed everything else back one.

The good news is that I'm uploading chapter three tonight and am already a dozen pages into chapter four. (And have ten pages done for chapter five, fifteen done for chapter six. However, five and six might also end up being too long, so additional chapter splits are possible.)

I apologize for unresponded emails and will reply within the next few days.


Chapter Two

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So, Chapter Two has been uploaded for posting!

I'd like to apologize for anyone who has sent me email the past few weeks. I've had very little free time, and I made a conscious decision to spend the time I had writing instead of doing emails. I'll hopefully tackle them over the next few days.

Last time I checked, I had about 40 pages of Chapter Three written.

The length of my chapters has always varied, but they mostly stayed in the same ranges. The chapters used to run about 30 or 40 pages (as judged in OpenOffice 10pt Courier New). Then they were 40 to 50 pages. Book II Chapter One was 62 pages. Chapter Two is 70 pages. And given what I want to include in Chapter Three and the fact that I'm already 40 pages into it, it may well hit 80+ pages by the time I'm done with it. Actually, thinking about it, that's a pretty big chapter. Maybe I can shift some of it into Chapter Four instead. We'll see.

- Chapter Three introduces the bodyguards, who have evolved into something different than what I originally planned.
- Chapter Four introduces Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite.
- Both chapters involve international travel for the first time, with Three taking us to Japan and Four to Europe. The chapters also start one of the main plotlines of Book Two.

Still alive (again)

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I finally got a bit more free time to spend writing yesterday and today. Chapter two is currently 66 pages long and lacks maybe two pages to reach completion. (That's assuming I don't realize the need for additional scenes, which has happened twice this month so far.)

Since I'll be out of town this weekend, it'll probably be ready for posting next week sometime. Hopefully.


General update

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Chapter 2 is again close to completion. The delays (aside from finding time) have been twofold: First, I realized I needed a couple extra scenes (one to flesh things out and one to lay groundwork for future plot elements). Second, I kept getting inspirations for Chapter 3.

So the good news is that Chapter 2 only needs 1.5 scenes plus connecting text to be complete. Also, Chapter 3 is about halfway done. And I have loads of notes on what Chapter 4 is about, plus a couple pages of text.

The bad news is that I am apparently unable to focus on a single chapter at a time. (If I could properly focus, I could get Chapter 2 posted in a week or less... but as I just stated, I don't seem to be able to do so... meaning, we'll see.)

Also, I keep reading about different scientific advances or engineering concepts or whatnot and wondering why I didn't think of that, and gee, I need to include that somewhere.

As a little preview, Chapter 3 will involve a trip to California, Hawaii, and Japan. (I haven't decided yet if I'll end the chapter after Japan or not.) Chapter 4 will involve a trip to Europe and the first meeting with a group which is either a great potential ally or the ultimate enemy of Book Two.


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All right, bad news/good news time.

Bad news: At least half of my anticipated free time the past couple weeks disappeared. I was not able to reach my goal.

Good news: Chapters 0-1 are finished. They need a final edit, but I should have them uploaded Saturday (or early Sunday).

Hopefully Chapter 2 will follow sometime in the next few weeks. It's close to completion, but I don't anticipate much free time next week. Probably not the week after either. (Then again, I'm apparently lousy when it comes to those estimates, so who knows.)




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