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A Acer Custos: Blog


Assholes need not bother...

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So, some fucking idiot decides that he needs to send me email on here, and the totality of it is:

sorry I just couldn't read one more line

in reference to my Modern Caveman story.

The authors on this site don't get paid for the most part. So, we post here mostly to make others happy. If the best you can do is to be an asshole, you need not bother.

August 2018 - Still need an editor

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Although it's been three years or more, I still need a good editor who is not freaked out by dark and/or disturbing storylines and themes. Yes, I have not posted in forever... but that's not because I don't have content to publish. I do.

Here's what's up

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First, Core of Night isn't getting a rewrite any time soon. I've lost interest in it because I tried mixing in two threads of story style and I couldn't work them out correctly in my head. So, for now at least. Roja is kaput.

Now, on to Amissum. Of my three published main stories (Caveman, Core, and Amissum) I like Amissum the most. However it's also the least well plotted and written. It needs a complete rewrite from scratch. It could easily be a multi-volume set of stories set around Las Vegas and the coming Telepathic Holocaust. (Bet ya didn't see that phrase coming) If I am to pursue that story line it won't be any time soon, but it's a ton of pulpy fun to write.

As to Caveman, it needs a few major edits and some editing to eliminate the teaser of a sequel. I don't have one planned or plotted, even though it's my most popular work so far.


Following those three, there are two stories that I have partially under way. The first is called "We Ten Thousand" and it's a semi-hard... let's call it turgid... science fiction story done in the shadow of Starship Troopers ala Heinlein. I'm about 20,000 words into it, or about 90kb in 'storiesonline' parlance. I'm stopped on that one because it's following Heinlein too closely and I need it to have a life of its own.


Next is my personal darling. My ugly, vicious child. I have about 40,000 words written in a high fantasy world. This is the rock upon which I have dashed and come to pieces.


So that's a much delayed update. I am in search of two things. One, motivation to untangle one of those stories, and second... a good, reliable editor.



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