The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Severusmax: Stories



This is a universe with a parallel world, where the ancient Greeks have colonized the New World. Instead of America, it is called Pythea, and there are four Greek colonies, always independent from the mother polis. The natives aren't going anywhere, either, as you will see. Some things are better and some are worse, for both Greeks and indigenous peoples. The characters in this universe live by the customs and laws of their time, for the most part. There may be some actions that are shocking by modern (or post-modern, as it were) standards. If you are upset by ephebophilia, incest, and other taboo practices, then don't read the stories in this universe. Also, it's a bit darker than my usual material.

Massachusetts Family Love

This is a universe about incest, bondage, swinging, and other fun in the state of Massachusetts. It takes advantage of the state's liberal laws on matters of sex and marriage. These laws, for instance, allow brother-sister incest, although not parent-child incest. That doesn't mean that stories set here can't have parent-child incest, just that it's not legal. This is intended to be a public rather than a private universe.

My Fucking Quarantine

This is a universe solely for stories in which the characters are quarantined or under lockdown for the COVID-19 virus or another pandemic or epidemic of that sort. It's meant to explore the possibilities, sexual, romantic, and otherwise, of any and all relationships that might develop between people aged fourteen and above during said quarantine/lockdown periods and afterward. Your story can be sappy, steamy, smutty, taboo, anything goes that doesn't violate site rules and involves a quarantine.

Southern Sexual Liberation

This universe is for stories with the same or similar themes as the series 'Southern Free Love Family'. Stories include spin-offs of that series but are not limited to that.
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My thank you to all of those of you...
Bizarre Monitor Resurrection!



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