Rowan lost the bet: she owed five kisses to whomever her brother Jamie designated. It was up to him, but there were definitely right and wrong choices.
A Sex and Demons Story (5) The demon sex plant was perfectly safe - as long as one took the proper precautions. The sorority girls who stole it from Laurel didn't.
A Sex and Demons Story (6) A college summer retreat to study magic with other talented young mages. A meeting of minds, and hopefully, bodies. It could be a hotbed of inspiration - and conflict. There is unrealized power in sperm.
A Sex and Demons Story (7) Inspiration and theory only get you so far: creating a new spell also requires experimentation and practice. When that spell depends on semen, that means sucking a lot of dicks. People around town are beginning to notice 19-year-old Laurel, and so are the covens.
A Quake Girl Story (1) Kai's new girlfriend is sexually inhibited - but she also owes her super powers to her orgasms. Can Kai help her to loosen up and enjoy sex in time to save the world?
A Vanilla Slut Story (1) Kaitlyn is a good girl. But then why does she keep doing such bad-girl things? It's not her fault - it's a neurological disorder. When she smells vanilla, she is irresistibly compelled to have sex.
A Vanilla Slut Story (2) Kaitlyn is responsible: she does what she must to keep her inner sex monster at bay. She's a good girl. But sometimes people need a break from their responsibilities.
A Lexi's Investigations Story (11) Recent college grad Lexi is proud to be selected for jury duty. But why do the lawyers need to know about her experience with BDSM and exhibitionism?