Welcome to the Wonderful World of Bradley Stoke wherein is featured erotic fiction that is witty, weird and profound.
There are five novels and novellas, four novel-length sex fantasies, and many erotic short stories for those with less time and patience.
Crystal Passion, Degrees of Intimacy and No Future are set in the real world. The Anomaly Trilogy is a Science Fiction epic. Glade and Ivory is set in the midst of the last Ice Age. They all touch on areas of sexuality and sexual behavio
Sarah is in love with Lee and he with her. All is as it should be in a romantic love made in heaven. But as Sarah knows only too well, their love needs to be strong to compensate for the difficulties that accompany their love. But they can be thankful that love is blind.
Siobhan is a principled naturist. Not for her the vanity of clothes or the distraction of shaving her legs or pubes. But when she meets Niall, she has to consider for the first time the option of Naked Compromise.
It is 1946, and Cissy is a housewife whose husband has just returned from his heroic service in Europe, They are anxious new neighbours in an all-white neighbourhood, worried that their skin colour might be a source of unwelcome discrimination. But it is their Jewish neighbours who bring trouble to Cissy and her husband. And not from reasons of racial prejudice, but of neighbourly love.
Ginny is on holiday in North Africa, nervous about her new summer outfit. Was it a wise choice? After all she isn't a young woman anymore. If only she'd kept her looks as well as that other single woman she sees so often reading her novel by the hotel pool.
This is a future history of England over the Twenty-First Century and into the next. It is a multi-threaded narrative that travels from place-to-place, succeeds from year-to-year, and passes from one person to another. England's green and pleasant land is visited by famine, plague, war and pestilence. Governments come and go. The ocean levels inexorably rise. International relations worsen. And the English people stumble through the chaos as best they can. Who said there was No Future?
Wendy has volunteered for the Wagner Program, in which she has to spend an entire week not naked in school. Did she make the right choice? And is the embarrassment she suffers in front of he fellow pupils really worth it?
Karen is nervous on her date with Kenneth. She worries that he will find out only too well whether she is truly the woman she described herself in the advertisement. What will he say if he discovers she was one snip short of being totally honest? And this worries her the most because Kenneth seems to be the ideal man for her.
Zee knew that people in the outer solar system were more liberal about sex than they were nearer Earth orbit. In fact, the prospect of witnessing incest and orgies rather excited her. But Zee never expected to find such a thing as a Party Slave.
Trinnie's life is shit. The only satisfaction she ever has is just before she extracts heroin from her veins, the proceeds of which enable her to pay for frequent sex with anonymous strangers. But her life is bit by bit improving. And soon, perhaps, she will know a time when Peace Returns.