Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
The story picks up shortly after Tom after the end of book I, and has finished helicopter training in his alternate Identity. Follow along as big changes happen!
Unfinished Seventeen year old Devlin Cantor Joins the king's army shortly after the death of his mother. Since he did not get along with his step father or step brother, it seemed the logical thing to do.
Unfinished This is the combined Misty/Cyborg story. it details the situations and what is leading up to an exciting time for all involved! Follow along as Cyborg Eric and his ship CCS-14, Along with Alexander Connor of the Misty overcome and hopefully get things done!
Carl has completed his course at the university and is now a wizard. He has accepted a new position with Magical Solutions. Follow along and see what developes.
Carl, is a twenty seven year old sorcerer who is training to be a wizard in a world where magic has returned. He owes a few years service to the government for their paying for his training. See what happens to him as he deals with happenings to him and around him.
Alexander Connor was starting life as an explorer of the unknown universe. he bought and refurbished an older model explorer/miner mark12 and set off to explore!
This is his story of what happens.