Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Timm: Stories


Caveat Emptor: (Buyer Beware)

You did not pay to read any of my stories. So if you don't like them, errors and all. Do us both a favor and don't read them. No one is forcing you and I for one no longer wish to hear from people that get their jolly putting my stories down. If you have legitimate advice, you opinion is welcome. If not complaints will be deleted and your email added to ever spam list I can find. (Well ok, I really wouldn't do that. However everone has there own fantasy.)

Empire Of Man

Empire Of Man universe covers the time span of human history for ancient times to the far future when the human emperor rules the galaxy. The plight of the race and that of the universe stories.

Escape Into The Past

The end of the world is at hand. The only way to live is to escape into the past. Fate, time and space conspire to correct themselves at ever turn. These are the stories of those escaping into the past to live out their days. If they can.

Fast Clone

All are welcome to contribute to this universe. The only rule is that the clone ages at 18 years vers the cook time. They also decay at the same rate. The 18 year requirement is due to the growth factor. Growth outside the cook chamber gets messy when the clone is still developing. So no under 18 year old clones.

Faster Than Light

The Faster than Light universe is a parody environment revolving around all Sci-Fi stories ever written. From warp dive to hyper space all that's required is that faster then light travel in any form is center to the story line. That and a good dose of sex of coarse.


RePlay ™ is a full sensory recording and playback device. One that lets you experience others’ lives as if they are your own. You can experience the thrill of skydiving, motocross, and even microgravity. The most popular of experiences, of course, is sex.

Star Federation

The Star Federation is space based story collection. All stories posted to this universe should revolve around the computer game Elite or EVE.
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