Discouraged by setbacks in both his lovelife and his business world, a hard-working man takes a break for an overnight cruise up the coast and back. However before he leaves, he accepts some unexpected passengers on his boat and his entire outlook on life is soon changed.
A Story in the BBW Appreciation Universe
Talk about stumbling into it! I screwed up in high school biology and fell into a nice little job as assistant to the teacher, who also maintained all text for the school. That was after I had brought my grade up, of course, and the next year. And then she taught me some things about biology that weren't in the text books.
Two of the King's servants, unknown to each other before, meet on the road as they perform their assigned duties. At first there is surprise but then there is satisfaction.
Sometimes the first indication of a cheating spouse is a very subtle hint. In this case, it was a not-so-sublte early evening visit from a team of police detectives.
A Story in the Maggie May Universe
This story is part of the Jake Rivers semi-annual writing "invitational" and is based on the lyrics of the song Maggie Mae, in this case as sung by Rod Stewart.
You know what they say - "Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while." And this old crippled man found one on a trip to restock his pantry when he met, to him, the most beautiful woman in the world.
I had just moved to a new apartment in the Los Angeles area, waiting for work with Orion Studio -- yeah, the makers of some porn movies. I got lucky with a couple of my fellow residents.