After quoting P. T. Barnum's famous motto, "Always leave them wanting more," Russ' sex life take a turn for the more frequent.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex |
Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Magic, Heterosexual, Fiction, Polygamy/Polyamory, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3247 |
Votes: 66 |
Score: 6.47
Size: 28KB | 5,582 words |
Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )
A man decides to take a risk and do some bartering with a burglar who claims to be his time-travelling grandson.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex |
Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Celebrity, Science Fiction, Time Travel, Robot, Group Sex, Harem, White Male, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Squirting
Downloads: 26468 |
Votes: 235 |
Score: 7.68
Size: 151KB | 28,546 words |
Posted: Incomplete and Inactive (Last Activity: )
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