6 Stories
A loose and ever changing set of characters that comprise the London Underground, or the London underworld, whichever way you choose to look at it. Just to prove that not all good things happen in the US, these are the creatures of England. Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Hell Demons, Winged Ones, Humans and variety of other beautiful and twisted creatures.
Standard characters include:
Ranyah (and his human mate Reid), Hazan Nunzio, Kotac, The Demon Del Deorion, Shamani Zirishiri, Yosui, Luka, Sera, Thomas and Kieran Tristan Toyne
3 Stories
The Best Circle of Hell deals with the seductions, entrapments and machinations of the demons of Hell, namely those who live in a shared house of sodomy and sexual exploits.
It is not important to read the stories in order but it is recommended to start with Stolen Pleasures as this will introduce you to the main characters.
Sitka who kidnaps Jahke and then trains him to become a demon's lover, and eventually a demon himself.
Jin-ha, the recruiter of new demons.
Kiorl, lover of the King, Satan himself, who will seduce anything.
Follow their adventures which swing between wildly sexual and down right romantic.