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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Pouget: Stories


Once upon a time there was a young girl - me! - who really enjoyed playing Tarzan and Cowboys&Indians losing every knife fight best of all.

That little girl - still me! - grew up, watched some films, decided she'd take a shot at writing those stories I love sooooo much.

So if you like fantasy with the occasional bloody end and a little girl-girl sex...try my stories.


4 Stories
Salau is a harsh world where sword and bone and sinew reign supreme. Nemi was born into this world, taught to fight, and expected nothing more than to serve her people until eventually she fell to another in combat, as is the ultimate fate of all warriors. However, following a betrayal and a miracle, Nemi begins to move beyond the confines of her former life, and in so doing she begins to learn the terrible truth upon which Salau exists.


2 Stories
A mebbe series set in a world where the rule is survive, and survival is found on the point of a blade


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