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John Writer: Stories


Unfortunately in our society sex is taboo, especially in children. The idea that a person becomes somehow contaminated by exposure to sex (the loss of "innocence") is repulsive. Experiments in child sexuality are unethical because exposing children to sex too early does great harm. Not from the sex itself, but from the stigma place on it by society. These stories are for fantasy only, NEVER to be acted upon.

Humans More Like Bonobos

Bonobos are a species of great ape closely related to chimpanzees. Though they look very much like chimps they have several physiological and behavioral differences that leads most biologists to classify them as a different species. In her book "Bonobo Handshake" Dr. Vanessa Woods ( describes an animal, very closely related to humans (and even more closely related to chimps) that is extremely non-violent, but hyper-sexual. While chimps settle their differences by ripping each others heads off, Bonobos have sex. Bonobo rarely act violently towards each other. Adult bonobos regularly engage in sexual acts with baby bonobos as a method of calming them down. I’d strongly recommend reading Dr. Wood’s book, available where books are sold, or at your library. (Vanessa Woods is to bonobos what Jane Goodall is to chimps (But Dr. Woods is quite a lot hotter) My universe tries to answer the question of what would society be like if humans were more like bonobos, rather than like chimps (as they are in the real world). In this fictional world no war has ever been fought by humans against other humans, governments serve the people and function with high levels of integrity and honesty. Racism and sexism are not practiced. (Though all human races are present here.) Violent crime is almost unheard of. In fact it is such an abortion most violent crimes are capital offenses (rape, involuntary murder, assault resulting in serious bodily harm ect…) While capital punishment is practiced it is hardly ever used). There are very few sexual taboos. Adult/child, and child/child sexual relations are common and normal. Children begin their sexual lives as soon as they are born and continues even into extreme old age. However, sexual contact is usually limited for children (by parents) until they become adults, at the onset of puberty, which is determined by the appearance of obvious pubic hair on the genitals in both and/or the onset of menarche, whichever happens first, regardless of age. For this reason, most people are proud of their pubic hair. Hardly anyone shaves it off. Public and social nudity is common and acceptable (in most stories). Even sexual murder (where the murder victim willing dies for their own and/or other people’s sexual pleasure) Body modification (tattoos, scaring, piercing,) and extreme body modification (modifications that would leave the person "disabled." Things like limb amputation, paralyzing, blinding, or deafening people) are acceptable. Stories can take place at any point on the time line, from prehistory to far future. Humans in modern times have much longer and healthier lives due to the lack of “war technology.” Money spent in our world on defense (making war) is spent instead on scientific research that benefits all man kind. This has resulted in technologies that in some cases are far behind what we have in our world (most weapons technology) and in other cases more advanced. (Medicine, environmental, space exploration) The only strong sexual taboo is the use of force. This includes blackmail, cohesion, physical force, mind control or any other method used to force others to someones will. The use of force in a sexual context is rape, which is a capital offense. I will not write “scat” stories here but this too is acceptable in this society. If you include scat, or piss play in a story you write, please let the readers know so those who are sickened by it can avoid it. (conversely those who like it can find it). The only rule is no non-cons, mind control, blackmail, or other forms of force. There are places for those stories. This is not such a place. All stories submitted to this world should have everyone participating of their own will.
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