The author takes his memories of a might-have-been girlfriend and pushes them to his limits of fantasy. If he could be totally selfish in manipulating a woman to be his ultimate sex toy, what would he wish for and what would he want. As she steps down the aisle during the wedding ceremony, he remembers "steps" in the process of her becoming his fantasy woman. If you want to see him forced to even things out, somewhat, look for the companion story "Further Down the Aisle."
What if all that Iraqi oil money was spent on creating a really fancy bunker for the Republican Guards. What if the pervert from the Female POW series showed up in this bunker? What if white slavery were involved? A clueless geek and some less than willing sex slaves eventually do in a conniving General
This is the sequel to 'Down the Aisle.' In the first story a man shamelessly manipulates his "wife to be" to become his ultimate sex toy. Rather quickly, this selfish manipulation makes her a less than happy partner. In this story he gets some unexpected help in getting his priorities straightened out and also discovers a "third wheel" isn't always a bad thing.
A loving couple plan the next night's sexual escapades in which she will again fulfill his favorite fantasy, in exchange for the night out together she enjoys most. He gets excited on the way home from work thinking of how she is preparing herself for him and when he arrives home he is not disappointed. A good time is had by all.