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Duna: Stories


Cheating and Recover

Stories about cheating spouses (mainly wives or fiancées) after catching something consequence and the innocent spouses (mainly husbands or fiances) recover from the betrayal. I prefer BTB (Burn The Bitch or Burn The Bastard) consequence WITH NEWER WOMEN (for innocent woman with newer man). So the Recover means new mate or spouse. The erotica with the new mate or spouse is very RECOMMENEDED in the stories. What a stupid idea in a lot of erotic story collection only the cheaters have erotic pleasure and the fate of the innocent spouse the sad lonely divorced life in better case or the life in a shitty marriage in wronger case. I personaly like the believable and successful Reconciliation stories,where the innocent gets true remorse from the other but I do not like RAAC (Reconciliation At All Circumtences) stories. However this Universe contains only such stories where the innocents restart their life with newer mate or spouse after cheating.......and if it could be a little BTB/revenge. But after consequence or spouse abandon the start point can be for the RECOVER! NO SAD LONELY INNOCENT EX-s!
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