4 Stories
All these stories are about cops, the bad guys they chase and their victims.
5 Stories
These are my fantasy stories, set in other worlds with barbarians with swords, warrior women and magicks unknown to our world. So open the portal and fly through time and enjoy one of these stories.
4 Stories
Vampires abound, ghostly spectators beg to be reborn, and us mere mortals must fight to regain our identities in these stories.
10 Stories
Whether it's at a Nude beach or skinny dipping in a pond at the end of a long day, the sexy women and studly men enjoy sex and romance to their full extent. So, if you like to hear how love blooms in the modern day, I hope you'll choose one of my Modern Romances.
5 Stories
A cat who turns into a man and seduces a woman to giving up her boring and staid life to turn into a cat and play with him, or a merman who saves a young women and gives her the gift of pleasure, and who knows what else I might add as time goes by.