2 StoriesYou may have visited my web site. Or you may have come across it in
one of your browsing hours. Its rather popular but unpretentious. I
don't need to spam, advertise or announce my site in any way. I don't
need too, its more popular than I could ever hope for.
The site is an adult site, to be specific, it only has pictures and
stories of mature women. Clear, graphic pictures with everyday women
doing all sorts of nasty things.
Nothing new right? Well at my site you will find an abundant amount
of mature ladies but you will never find them at any other. You see,
I only have exclusive pictures and stories. Fully copyrighted by me
of course. There has been much speculation in a few conversation
threads about where these ladies come from.
I keep getting email asking where I find the models. Varying ages,
none younger than thirty, any race, sexy or plain, thin to plump. All
this can be found at my site. I've been asked so many times, and used
my standard form email replies so often that I have started to
consider explaining just where my ladies come from. I don't have
enough time to do all that, each ladies story is similar but
different. So the suggestion from one of my members was to give just
one example, a memorable example, of a model that I found.