5 Stories
I wanted to try writing conventional stories, that is without sex, and I had some ideas. These are what I was able to produce. As the title of the series states, there is no erotic material and very little sex in any of them. Give a few a try. I hope you enjoy them.
2 Stories
These are stories in which I've attempted to express my weird sense of humor. If you get a laugh out of them, that's great. But be advised, if you do laugh, it means that you're weird, too.
9 Stories
The title of the series says it all.
The stories are listed in the chronological order that I wrote them.
5 Stories
Each of these stories has its setting on campus. They're arrayed in the chronological order that I wrote them.
7 Stories
These are stories that don't belong in any other series that I set up. I collected them in this series to keep everything neat and tidy. They are in chronological order by date first published.