"The Dicker Man got her!" was what the townsfolk usually said when a young girl just up and disappeared. Which wasn't too often, mind you, but even once is one time too many. "Oh, yeah, he dickered her real good, he did, with that big, old dicker of his. Spoiled her for any normal man, donthca know?" They knew all right. Just look at what had happened to 16 year old Rose Ann Pinkham that fateful summer... the summer of the talking hand...
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Mind Control, Heterosexual, Oral Sex Downloads: 3484 | Votes: 30 | Score: 5.16 Size: 27KB | 5,256 words |
Chance Gim had a plan that would put many luscious women into his loser's life. All it took was the use of magic as an irresistable lure. What women, he felt, didn't want a more magical life, with more control over her destiny? He, and his two cronies, Ben and Jerry, now had 12 faithful female minions in their group. Then along came Yolanda...
This story is loved and hated! The score goes yo-yo like. Someone pegs it with an 8 or 9 vote, then bam---it gets a frigging 1. It can't get out of the sixes! A comment, "Sucks!" inspires me to rewrite. But then I get, "Brilliant!" so I don't. It's in the basement with my story on gay prison sex, and the one on dog screwing, but I can blame the subject matter in those two. Feeling masochistic? Read this, followed by my oddball, "Sylvie's In The Park" Me? I need a drink!
Melinda Puff, Mellie or Mellow Jell-O to her friends because she could mold her pussy to fit any shape, had heard the expression, 'Give the dog a bone!' but now her boyfriend, Kipper 'Kicky' Kale, also known as 3K or Trip-K, wanted her to let his dog, Gomer, a large-dicked St. Bernard, give her the bone! That Kicky, she thought, always kidding me! He's just too, too much at times! But Kicky never kidded about sexual things...
Surelick Homes prepares the Dr. Phallus "bait" with the help of the big-busted prostitute, Maizie, Dr. Whatsin's tutor in how to "... walk like a girl, talk like a girl, be like a girl, my son!" Yeah, the game is quickly afoot; a mincing, prancing, sashaying foot to be sure, but still afoot...
They were in the missionary position, with him pounding her ass into the mattress and her squealing like a stuck pig, when they both heard someone call from the front room of the house. It sounded to them like the man's brother, Jedidiah Peabody.
"Where you at, Ezra?" he was calling.
Thus begins this incestuous tale of Ezra Peabody's Black Snakeshine, his homemade 'shine, the same 'shine that'll have you seeing snakes everywhere. With good or bad in the offing.
Maybe you've heard of FantasySex.Com, maybe not. Maybe you even used their services at one time or another, maybe not. Whatever the case, they sure do a booming business in the sexual fantasy trade. Any sexual fantasy, however wild, however kinky, is within their bailiwick. All anyone has to do is ask for it, pay the steep fees, and their fantasy can become a harmless reality. Their motto is: You dream it, we'll scheme it! Anything goes--as long as no one gets hurt, that is.
SS-Gestapo Lieutenant Hans Von Yurt has to arrest his own wife, for treason and deliver her, personally, into the hands of his Commandant, SS-Gestapo Oberfuhrer Otto Stemp, a brutal man, who takes great delight in breaking a woman's spirits by using her in any depraved way he can conjure up. Immediately following her arrest, Hans tells Greta, "Play-act or the beast will turn you over to his barrack's boys, 160 men, who turned Anna, your friend, into a human vegetable."
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Mind Control Tags: Ma/Fa, NonConsensual, Mind Control, Heterosexual, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Water Sports Downloads: 5284 | Votes: 38 | Score: 6.27 Size: 76KB | 14,433 words |
Jane Hanover, 18, and luscious, is down on her luck and out of work. She takes a job as a waitress at the infamous Cougar Ranch. Paid hanky-panky goes on there, but it's Jane's choice whether to get in on the action or not