A Kingdom Lost - Cover

A Kingdom Lost

Copyright© 2014 by Alexander Avarice

Part 4: Lovers


(silk edwin oct 3 vol or spiral 3)


the same sun that graced Carthia with its nourishing rays, gently poured in through Surrendian windows. On the other side if the windows were rooms, and people, not unlike those in Carthia.

Behind one such window was a bedchamber. The quarters of Silk, prince of Surrendia, and heir to the throne, despite being the younger of two siblings. Idly the prince slept still, allowing the day to continue for once without him. Silk lay upon his belly, face buried in pillows and soft curls. One arm was draped, even in sleep over his lover sleeping beside him. Edwin, too slept soundly, totally at ease. His rich dark hair contrasted vividly against Silks own boyish curls.

For several hours more the boys slept, the sun continuing its journey unheedful. The boys knew that they risked chastisement from the weapons master, but slept on without concern. Eventually though there was a loud knock at their door. Sleepy and startled the boys struggled upright as a female form burst into the room.

"Oh don't act surprised boys" a familiar girls voice warbled, obviously pleased at their unease. Her tone disguising all manner of unfriendly intentions " – it's only me, your secret's still safe"

"Hannah!" Silk said angrily "if you were not my sister I'd cut your tongue out"

"Oh dear, so that's what happened to your poor valet! Come now" she continued happily, sliding on to the bed. She purposefully sat between the two boys just to annoy them further "you wouldn't do that to me – then who would keep your little secrets?"

Edwin scowled out from under dark eyebrows for the moment quiet, Hannah was dangerous – like a pit viper. Undaunted though Silk obsequiously took Hannah's hand and kissed it, she scowled mildly at the feel of his boyish stubble "My dear sister, you do so enjoy your little games"

"you took the throne from me, little brother" she said sweetly " until you came along Surrendia was mine" this banter was normal between the siblings. With a mock pout she added " would you deny me all my fun?"

"of course not – you're far too dangerous for that"

"why are you here Hannah?" Edwin asked testily. He disliked the easy familiarity in her actions, even as she baited Silk she rested a hand on each of their thighs, just a little too north for his comfort, all the while she smiled her benevolent crocodile-smile. Edwin was permanently distrustful of her intentions, and doubted that Silk would have even made it to his twenty-first birthday without his guarding presence. It was well known in Surrendia that the princess was very put out by the Queens untimely pregnancy. She had been almost ten when he had arrived, and hated him from the moment she saw him, if he had been a girl things would have been entirely different.

"Why, Edwin – we are in a morose mood this morning" Still scowling the young lord – a year less than Silk – stared pointedly out the window

"Well, Silk. I'm sure you'll appreciate my gems of news" she said, remaining unaffected by Edwin's usual sullenness

"do tell dear sister. You usually have such fascinating reasons for bursting into my rooms uninvited"

"actually, the messengers will be back tomorrow, all intact apparently. They entered the gateway early this morning"

"Ah" Silk said noncommittally, and Edwin raised an eyebrow. Even when the lord seemed distant and withdrawn he would be very much aware of his surroundings. It annoyed Silk that she had known about their arrival before him, how did she manage it? She took every opportunity to make him look incompetent in front of the senate, but luckily, with Edwin's guidance, she rarely succeeded.

"And the weapons master if looking for you – you two are late for training. It will mean extra miles for the both of you no doubt!"

"indeed" Silk affirmed pleasantly, determined not to let her get the better of him.

They sat in silence for a moment, then testily Edwin said to Hannah "Are you going to sit there all day, or can we be excused to get dressed?"

"don't push me Lord ****" Edwin winced at his full name, everyone knew he hated his surname, and just called him 'Lord Edwin' " I still outrank you by miles. Just because you're my brother's plaything it doesn't mean you're untouchable. I could bring you both to ruin if I wanted to"

"Then why don't you?" Edwin said, folding his arms defensively about his chest, the pouty scowl deepening on his face

"Because this arrangement suits me – for now, with the both of you in the palm of my hand. I might not care what you two get up to, but you can bet there's a few on the senate who still hold on to their old values!" she kissed him gaily on the cheek and flitted from the room.

Silk and Edwin exchanged a withering glance, and went to dress. Her taunts were, after so many years, nothing new or worrying.

(date ref: october 6th)


The princesses mood was much improved. She had spent sometime examining her face before venturing out. As a teen she had been cursed with erupting spots, the boys had taunted her ferociously despite – or because of – her position. Now approaching thirty she despaired at any hint of acne or the inevitable slightest sign of wrinkles. It was highly unusual for a lady to remain unmarried at her age, but through a variety of tricks managed to stay single. The princess Hannah was a woman of no little ambition, and there was no marriage in the country that could advance her position. As second in line to the throne Hannah felt that a marriage would only hinder her progress, indeed in the past all her suitors had been more interested in marrying to advance their own careers than in the princess herself. As the first born male Silk, by tradition would inherit the throne upon their mothers death. But the ambitious Hannah had other plans. Unlike in Carthia where the king's word had the final and only authority, Surrendia's power was split between the king and the senate. If she could gain the senates ear (and she had been working to gain allies for quite some time) it could be possible to wrest the throne away from her younger brother. Especially if his relationship with Edwin were exposed in just the right way. She was not one to be easily beaten, and she had been plotting for her triumph for most of her life. Even in the final power struggle her single, and available status would work in her favour, most of the senate were male, those who were already married would have sons, surely none would overlook the chance to marry into the ruling family. It was true that Silk was not married either, but that did not worry her.

Her paid spies had been doing their jobs well, informing her of the messengers return before anyone else in the palace. Hannah was a great believer in being fore Armand. For a moment the princess thought back to a time when, right up to her tenth birthday, it had been her given duty to inherit the Surrendian throne

"one day all this will be yours" her mother would say, adorning her with large expensive jewels. Then, to the little princesses dismay, seemingly out of the blue one winter a little prince had been born. She had barely recovered from the shock of losing her father on the battlefield. Had she been just a little older, a little more cognitive and daring, she might have done something – smothered the baby as he slept. Babies died on their sleep all the time, it would have been the perfect crime. But, in her childish innocence all she could do was stare at the tiny pale infant who at less than a week old had already ruined all of her dreams. As he had grown he had developed an impossible to dislike character, unknowingly he had averted the worst of her rage. With Edwin now as a kind of 'body guard' killing him outright was problematic at best. Instead Hannah had to be content with what little power she held over him. the knowledge that with the single vital secret she had she could discredit him at any time was all that kept her going each day.

The princess had one vital flaw, one that she did not recognise in herself, was that she had come to desire power for its own sake. Having had it stolen from her so easily, the need to regain it burned within her soul every hour, growing until little else could penetrate her mind. She gave little thought as to what she could accomplish when she finally ruled, getting there was all that mattered. The thought that as queen she might improve the lives of others, build great architectures, educate the poor, or restock libraries never entered her head.

Still buoyant from toying with the boys she strode off to the stables. Once there she requisitioned the fastest horse, packed with provisions and a hunting pack. The servant there did not bother to remind the princess that she ought to take a guard – no one argued with her, not if they wanted to retain their job. Alone Hannah set off towards the gateway.

(spiral 3 date rev oct 8th vol 1)


The boys dressed by themselves, not bothering to call for their servant – it would only delay them further, then jogged to the main hall. If compared to the Carthian Stronghold, Surrendia's palace was a fraction of the size, taken by itself though, it was an impressive building. Relatively new, much of its structure was made from great slabs of marble, sleek and uncluttered lines made up its form. The queen, long ago widowed, occupied the main suite, it was central to the palace, which included many purpose built rooms that the Stronghold lacked. This castle was for living in, not for defending, and this was reflected all over the palace by its open plan, and lack of fortifications. The royal siblings occupied one wing, and shared many of its rooms. Visiting nobility and esteemed knights would be assigned different rooms according to that person's favour or lack of it in court. A persons standing could be judged by the proximity of their rooms to the queens rooms.

It was to one of the larger halls that the boys went initially, the sweet and spicy smells of a variety of foods guiding them.

For so long had Edwin been the princes constant companion that his presence by Silk's side was taken for granted. As the boys entered the assembled crowd automatically stood and bowed, then continued about their business.

Silk and Edwin went to a table laden with food and independently chose almost identical meals. Knowing that they had a good few hours training ahead of them the boys ate frugally so as not to be laden down. They then hurried out to join their friends on the training field. The weapon's master was, as they had expected halfway through the day's lesson. The man was bound by custom to ignore rank, and treat each boy just as harshly. Females did not train in weapons in Surrendia, nor did they fight on the battlefield. The old soldier growled as they approached

"100 times round the field both of you" they knew better than to argue, this was the price for their lye-in. with a grin to their friends they set off. The field was a vast area, they would be running for sometime. The boys set an easy pace, having run this same path countless times in the past. The others had finished their swordsmanship lesson and begun archery when they joined them. Unusually, the weapons master finished early, leaving the lads with hours of daylight to themselves. They went back to the hall for food, and sat discussing what to do with the time.

Silk was just 'silk' to his friends and peers, he had never been pompous or official, the 'your highnesses' had never appealed to Silk, he felt that even when king he would prefer to be addressed by name. Had never asked for deferential treatment, so none was given.

"there is still plenty of daylight left lords!" he said " what shall we do with it? Haden, you always have such good ideas – what shall we do?" he asked, tearing hungrily into his food. Across the table, Edwin ate with more reserve, but his eyes never wavered from the prince. Another of the group spoke up, it was Reuben "we thought perhaps to go hunting in the woods, there's plenty of deer about at the moment, some of them have got huge antlers" they quickly agreed, and soon set off to the stables.

Silk and Edwin's horses were the most prized horses in the kingdom, and probably In the world, worth a fortune they had been a gift from a friend of Silk's family. The horse breeder – purely for pleasure of course- lived far to the east, almost on the bad lands, but even out there he had heard of the boys inseparability. His prized running horse had given birth to twins. They were stunning animals, jet-black but with manes and tails of purest white. They were identical in every way, shared a stable, and even walked in unison, their footfalls sounding as if for one horse. It was these beasts that Silk and Edwin rode.

The prince made disgruntled noises when he learned that Hannah had taken the best pack of dogs – the princes was known for her love of blood sports, and she often hunted. The young nobles were forced to settle for the reserve pack. Soon though the band had saddled up and ridden out, keen for an evenings hunting. Around the Surrendian palace firstly were extensive gardens, a manmade lake, all created for the enjoyment of the royal occupants, and after this was a broad clearing, partly for defensive purposes, and mainly to house the army on the rare occasions when it was mustered. Beyond this great patches of forest mingles with open grassland, and dotted about were towns and hamlets of varying size, close to the palace lay the largest such town, more defensive than the palace itself the whole town was within a fortified wall. Here most of the senate lived, and the original Surrendian palace stood within its walls, now used for a school. The boys headed away from this thriving town, and out to the less disturbed areas of their countryside.

Although the Surrendian lands were not as fertile as those of Carthia, they were none the less lush and productive, and all animals thrived on it. The boys rode through loose, deciduous forest, towards the Gateway – the only route between the two kingdoms. In the winter the forest was bare and exposed, the winds would howl remorselessly through it's skeleton, felling the weak and the old. Now though, in the mid summer, the forest was bursting with life, and greenery. Under the oaken canopy, green and orange pools of light shone, warm, tranquil and protective – the goddess of nature surely dwelled within Surrendian forests.

The horses cheerfully followed the dogs, excited and keen for the run. Even now the twin horses were synchronised, tossing their manes in unison. Sometimes it seemed uncannily as if the two steeds shared one mind, not two. The lads chatted easily, relaxed in the saddle, allowing the dogs to do the hard work. Suddenly though, the peace of the wood was interrupted by the bark of the pack. Without hesitating the horses wheeled, heading for the sound, and thundered after the dogs. Side by side, stride for stride the prince and his friend rode. Their horses easily took the lead, the running horse blood singing in their veins.

Edwin glanced at Silk as the trees rushed by. The prince, with a cheerful grin on his face had already his bow to hand, and was reaching with the other hand for his bow, guiding the horse with his knees. Sombrely Edwin did the same. The wood abruptly opened out too a large clearing, the dogs and quarry visible ahead. Freed from the trees the twins gave a fresh burst of speed, their hoofs finding better purchase on the even grass the ground a blur beneath their feet, the wind whipping a tear from Silks eyes as it rushed by. In seconds they were within range, again as if with one mind the horses approached the tiring stag. Silk and Edwin both notched and loosed an arrow. The stag shuddered and ploughed the ground as the arrows struck simultaneously. Baying the pack rushed on the fallen deer. Cursing loudly Arthur rode past Silk and Edwin, and mowed through the dogs with his horse. Still profaning loudly he flew to the ground and beat the remaining dogs off

"God damn them – they've ruined the hide" he shouted as Ruben caught up

They inspected the prize for a few moments, talking excitedly, recanting the chase and booting any dog who dared approach the kill. Eventually Reuben and Arthur loaded the stag on to Reuben's stocky mount.

Readily they agreed to hunt another before returning to the palace. It took a long time for the inexperienced dogs to track down another sent. They were confused by the dead stag's own smell. Eventually though, more by chance than design, they flushed out a doe with a youngster. The second chase was over quickly, the pack split as doe and fawn ran separate ways. Reuben and Arthur went for the fawn, and the black horses sped on after the quicker mother.

The prince's chase was brought to an abrupt end when the animal mis-footed into a rabbit hole, breaking its leg instantly. Two arrows secured the kill. This time the dogs hung back, wary now of offending their human masters. The horses stopped automatically, aware that the chase was over, and stood by the fallen deer. The boys dismounted to gather their doe

"Good chase" said Silk, his eyes bright, still shining with excitement

"Yes" Edwin agreed " she's quite heavy though" the lord observed

"Must be carrying another one" Silk suggested, prodding her swollen belly with his toe. Edwin nodded and said

"Heave it onto mine, I can ride double with you" the prince agreed, together they hauled the cooling carcass onto Edwin's nervous mount. Happily Edwin took his place behind Silk on the other horse. He laced his arms around Silks waist and they were off, galloping back to the others.

The dogs quickly led them back to the rest of their group – that at least they could accomplish without confusion. Arthur and Reuben had also been successful, and the fawn was already strapped to Arthur's mount. They chatted over the last hunt, sharing thrills and discussing obstacles jumped – who had taken the biggest risk, whom had nearly fallen off, and walked slowly back to the palace, taking their time and resting their horses. Arthur had taken the though to lash a large skin of wine to his saddle, and the boys shared this gratefully.

The sun was slowly setting behind the nobles, long shadows stretched out ahead of them, like pointers to the palace. The palace itself, sometimes visible through the trees as they rode, was stained bright orange by the sun, like a fiery orb amid green cloth. The dogs criss-crossed around the riders, hunting for themselves now. They came back with all manner of small forest mammals. They rode still as a group, chatting easily. Surrendia was no where near the size of Carthia, but its bounty was no less thought Silk.

Edwin was pretending to doze, his arms loosely circled Silk, and his head rested upon the prince's shoulder. Edwin was not asleep though, every now and then he would whisper in Silk's ear, telling jokes, or making promising comments. The prince had to try hard not to smirk, but it was not uncommon for Edwin to ride back with Silk, and so the others seemed not to notice.

The senate and country – those whose opinions mattered, never suspected that the prince regarded Edwin as anything more than a brother. As children they had both been lonely, and as juveniles they had met for the first time, out at Edwin's estate. From the moment they met, the boys had been inseparable, so much so that Anastasia had arranged for Edwin to come and live at the palace indefinitely. Externally Edwin was a sombre brooding boy, his wild dark hair giving him a decidedly stormy appearance. Silk however had been privy to a very different person. Sensitive and loving, highly observant, loyal and thoughtful.

In Silk, Edwin found a radiant character, externally beautiful, and exquisitely fragile, below that, hidden beneath the surface, a ruggedness lurked, one that promised to bloom into qualities that would inevitably make him a fine king. The prince was always down to earth, with a strong personality and a sly good humour. The fact that one day Silk would be king bothered him slightly, it would eventually necessitate a queen, competition for Silks affections, an heir would be required, and that meant – it was something that caused Edwin a good many sleepless nights.

"It's almost dark" Arthur said, breaking the relaxed silence that had descended over the group "there is a small feast tonight, that maid of Hannah's" Silk grimaced at the mention of his sister "what's her name?"

"Belyinda" the prince said tiredly – anything to do with his sister bored him instantly

"Yes, well, she's invited me out tonight. It could well prove interesting" he exchanged a knowing look with Reuben, who nodded appreciatively

"You two go on" Silk said "these nags might look good, but they aren't very strong. You go ahead, we'll walk back"

The two nobles needed no further encouragement, and took off ahead, their heavy hunting horses not noticing the extra weight. The hunting dogs- keen for their kennels went with them. The twin horses tried to follow, but Silk reined them in.

Round a wooded corner of the trail, they came to a rise. From behind the last rays of sunlight sent deep red rays down on to the palace ahead. The only sound was that of an occasional fly as it buzzed past, and the swishing of the horses tails. Edwin found Silk's hand, and stopped the horse

"It's a lovely view," Silk said

"Indeed it is" Edwin agreed, whispering still into the prince's ear, gazing at the prince

"We should get back," Silk said, not at all convincingly. He treasured these moments greatly, when all was peaceful, uncomplicated, the palace just a shimmering mirage in the distance. Surely these happy days could not last forever, too much happiness is never allowed a man. The gods grow jealous, and always seek to bring ruin to the happy, to tear lovers apart. Edwin dropped his hands to Silks lap, suggestively

"What's the rush?" he asked

"None at all" Silk replied, turning in the saddle to kiss his lover.

(date ref oct 17th spiral 3)


The Surrendian queen was furious- her children had usurped her yet again. The whole palace had learned of her envoys return to Surrendian soil long before her. Anastasia recognised that she was being forced out of the picture by her own people. It seemed that she was the only one who still remembered the old Surrendia – before Louie's rampage. The traditions of her country had been torn apart, laid to waste in the face of the advancing army.

The reports of unrest in Carthia scared her, far more than she would ever admit. One war was more than enough for her. Just the thought of sending more of her countrymen out to their deaths made her hands shake, and her heart pound in her chest. Louie's reign had held her few remaining seasoned troops in terror all their lives, but the youngsters, Silk's generation they were different. Born in peacetimes they had scorned the tales of Carthian cruelty, dismissing them as fanciful nonsense. It was a good thing that both Hannah and Silk were level headed, normal people. She prayed to her favourite goddess BLANK, the protector of home and the family. She had seemed to desert Surrendia in the Great War, but perhaps she had been there all along, doing her best to save them.

Anastasia strongly approved of Edwin's friendship to Silk. He son would need a valiant knight and advisor one day, and the lad was already skilled on a horse and with a bow. The queen also felt that Hannah had accepted Silk's presence very well over the years, now being very much the wise elder sister. When he was little, she had been very cruel to him to him, but time seemed to have mellowed the girl. Now she was always minding his back, getting involved with what he was doing. They never argued- at least not in public.

It concerned the queen that Hannah was not yet married. She had tried to wed her countless times, but everytime it had fallen through. The queen continued her thoughtful mood as her servant dressed her for court. Noises and smells drifted up on the air from the main hall a few wings away in the palace. She sighed, the youngsters were fast becoming too much for her – even the senate was trying to push her about these days. In the time of the Great War, when Louie and his murderous wife had slain her beloved husband and king, she had been middle aged, now she was old, too old. Often, when her mood was dark and her bones ached, she would consider ceding the throne. Always though she decided against it. She hated the thought of burdening her little boy with the throne at a young age, she wanted to give him the chance to live a little, to have some freedom. Perhaps with this Carthian situation she could do one final service for her country before joining her husband in the never-life.

Just what was the Carthian king up to? Did he again find displeasure in Surrendia?

A girls laughter broke through her thoughts, it was clear as a bell, innocent and carefree. Anastasia shuddered at it's vulnerability.

(date ref oct 19th vol 1)


Having requisitioned the long-distance horse and dogs, the princess set off towards the Gateway. They travelled at an easy lope, eating up the miles. The dogs found many a scent trail, but after a while gave up, as their mistress ignored their announcements. Straight towards the now setting sun they cantered, Hannah focused on her destination. Her need to be ahead of everyone was like a thirst, or an addiction. The princess had always been independent, when she was not in the thick of the senate, bribing and scheming, she would be off on her own plotting. It was intolerable that Silk should become the next ruler, he was patently so wrong for the job. Him and that sodomizer Edwin, she shuddered at the thought of him. They should both be banished to one of the far islands, she shook her head, they would probably like that, with nothing to do all day apart from indulge their base instincts. Hannah laughed to herself, when she was queen if they still lived she would think of some suitably dangerous mission for the both of them.

The horse beneath Hannah ran on easily as she brooded, it was specifically trained to cover long distances, it ran on enjoying the chance to stretch its legs. Even with the flawless gait Hannah began to tire, they had been moving for several hours the mountains separating Surrendia from Carthia had grown significantly over the journey, the individual peaks were now clear against the darkening sky line. The princess had been dozing, lulled by the horses sure-footedness, the forests were far behind, and for the past hour they had been travelling in a straight-line.

In the last rays of light the dogs caught a new scent. Sure that they had finally found what their mistress sought the whole pack veered off. The horse, who had settled in to following the dogs, abruptly changed direction, keen to keep with its adopted heard.

With a yell of surprise, the princess fell, landing heavily on the ground. She lay winded for a moment, as the dogs and horse faded from sight. Cursing she picked herself up, and fell back to the ground. The pain in her ankle was excruciating, she felt it over testing for a break. It seemed intact.

Stubborn and proud she refused to call out for help. Inch by inch she pursued her animals, cursing Silk – and Edwin – with every step. Finally the welcome sight of a campfire greeted her. She recognised the distinctive colouring of her mount among the other picketed animals, the lead dog barked, announcing the return of their leader.

It seemed that the envoy had recognised the royal dogs, and indeed few people forgot the long distance horse's black and white patterning. The men looked surprised to see her though, perhaps they had expected a servant, or a knight. Certainly not the princess

"your highness! Are you lost? You are hurt, please, sit down" she scowled inwardly, this was not the entrance she had planned, injured and disadvantaged

"I fell on my ankle, I am fine ... I came out to meet you, we were hunting in the area, as I knew you were approaching it seemed logical to camp with you than to head back to the palace in the dark" the men seemed satisfied with her explanation, and offered her food. Ignoring the pain in her leg, Hannah refused to be fussed over, and unpacked the provisions she had brought. The princess found that with fresh wine inside them, the messengers were more than keen to tell her of their adventure in Carthia. her journey was worth the pain.

(date ref oct 22nd spiral 3)


Arthur and Reuben had set off at good clip, leaving the prince and Edwin far behind. The promise of an evening relaxing and some girls too urged them onwards. These young nobles, at Anastasia's orders were kept on a strict timetable, and were left little time to themselves. When the opportunity arose for recreation they appreciated it all the more. Neither the prince nor Edwin seemed particularly bothered about girls. It was true that they joked and flirted like the other lads, but at the end of the party they would both invariably leave the women behind. In general it was assumed that the charming Silk was being honourable, as heir to the throne he was not at liberty to marry just anyone, if he died his wife would, by law, be entitled to rule on alone in his stead, just as Anastasia was doing. And so Silk's eventual mate would have to be pre-approved by the senate. Edwin with his often stormy temperament, and fierce loyalty to Silk did not attract hordes of girls – although as a dashing lad, he too had a small band of sycophants, they seemed to be handled by him with indifferent tolerance though rather than any physical affection.

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