Last Modified - March 18, 2004

Cast of Smoke and Mirrors

Ted Morrison - USAF Weapons Specialist, and team leader of "WinDX".

Grady Polk- Former US Navy SEAL that lost a close friend aboard the USS Cole and was furious nothing was ever done about it.

Bud Robinson - Former US Army Green Beret and Apache helicopter pilot.

Fred Olson - A former CIA operative who lost his fiancee in the 9-11 attack. Even though the current administration did respond to the terrorists, there are just some things better undertaken without public knowledge.

Patricia "Pat" Daniels - Former F-16 pilot. Flew briefly for a jet charter service before joining the "WinDX" team. Pat lost a sister-in-law and favored niece on TWA Flight 800.

Randy and Janice Smith - Pilots of the C-123 and sometimes the other aircraft in and out of difficult places. Together they own the Aurora Air Taxi and Cargo Service. They became involved because of one of Janice's friends was a flight attendant aboard the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9-11-2001.

Neal Handley - Everyone knew him as Timothey McVeigh, the "Oklahoma City Bomber" before his death was staged. He was a "selected patsy" chosen to be the "perpetrator" and thus avoid public pressure to investigate the tragedy further.

Jason Nolan - Works in Research and Development on new and secret devices much like "Q" in the James Bond films.

Brian Westin - He was an Air Force Crypto-linguist that separated from the service in the summer of 1999, due to a disagreement with his Commander over ignoring signs that "something was brewing" and that info he had translated over previous attacks was being "deleted".

Chris Olmstead - AKA "Oil Daddy", the group's initial financier from Houston. Chris lost her brother in the OKC bombing. Her husband was killed in an "auto accident" the following November, as a "warning" for them to "back off" about the way the "investigation" was being conducted.

Luke Garrett - He and his wife Sandy were stationed at Area 51 in Nevada working on the Stealth projects.

Lance Mercer- former Navy Criminal Investigative Service Agent frustrated by the terrorists hiding under our own laws.

Sabrina Saleh - A young Egyptian woman that lost her parents in the Egypt Air crash. She assists with the translation and interrogation of the captives of Mid Eastern origin. She was a student in the US majoring in Computer Programming.

Bobby Hightower - A Mescalero Apache in his forties they hired to look after the base in New Mexico. Later teaches them the language to communicate with, like the Windtalkers in WW2.

Kalenar and Serak - They are the "legal" alien friends of Luke and Sandy.